Step by Step


Well-Known Member
Hello to all my fellow hair quests members.
I'm a newbie
to this whole hair quest journey. I really, really need help. I know that this has been asked before,but, WHAT CAN I DO TO GROW MY HAIR
I think I'm a 4a/b and I would like it if anyone, with patience would give me a step by step instruction on how to treat my hair after I take out my braids. (which I am attempting to do at this very moment). I need to know what to do after I take them out. hot oil? deep condition (which brand)? washing (should I make fat braids with my natral hair 1st, (one web recommended this) etc. I need major help. So if anyone remembers their first time attepting to start a fresh please, please respond. Thanks Flame.
What I do when taking my braids out is that I spray a large amount of Better Braids Unbraid so to quickly remove my braids. Then I do a pre-shampoo treatment with an oil of my choice, usually olive, and shampoo and deep condition my hair. The conditioner I use is LeKair, the peach colord one. Then I use a moisturizing conditioner and proceed to style. So far it works for me.
When you take your braids out take your time and use a wide tooth comb maybe you could also use a detangler. You used do a hot oil treatment(I use Loreal's Nature Therapy Hot Oil), shampoo, condition and then deep condition (I use Le Kair cholesterol). Hope this helps.
Flame before you wash your hair (and don't forget to be gentle taking those braids out), put alot of a oily moisturizer (even grease is fine for this) let it sit with your head covered. Then take out the hair that has shed while in braids in small sections. Then do a pre shampoo treatment with oil or conditioner. Then shampoo, condition again and style to your liking.
hi and welcome

The ladies gave you some great advice to follow.
You should definitley check out, if you haven't already.
just make sure and get all those knots out. My mom helped me take mine out and did not comb out the knots like I did with the section I did. I didn't realize this and washed my hair -- well it was a tangled mess in the areas that the knots were left in. I had to cut a lot of it out. Thankfully my hair had grown so much that my stylist was able to make like we were going for the layered look. So just get those knots out and deep moisturize conditioner. And like Tamala said check out