Steam Flat Iron


New Member
Have anyone used or even heard of a steam flatiron.

I'm in search of a flat iron. I was wondering if the steam flatiron is better then the ceramic flatiron. Someone please let me know. Thanks for all responses.
I have never heard of a steam flat iron
....from what I hear steam is better for your hair, but I could be completely wrong when it comes to the flat iron. I wish I could help more..I am sure someone will come across your post and know something!
I tried it on 2 different ocassions and each time, I returned it to the store. It ripped my hair out, it has screws in the dumbest places that snag on hair. But, when I was relaxed it straightened well. Trying it is up to you. Pro: straightens pretty well with steam Con: may rip hair
I have a conair steam flat iron, and it is not better than my jilbere ceramic flat iron. My steam flat iron pulls my hair (snags it) when i run it through my hair so some hair snaps off...and it never got my hair completely straight especially the roots..I don't know if the steam just made my roots stay curly or what. The jilbere flat iron gets my hair straight, and it slides right through my hair NO it has temperature setting unlike my steam flat iron. HTH
For some reason I don't like this. Doesn't steam have a high temperature of like over 200 degrees??? Wouldn't this be blistering to your hair? I dunno what are your thoughts?
I heard of steam flat irons a couple years ago on an midnight infomercial. At least, that's what I think it was; I saw it so many years ago, and all they said was that the iron doesn't use heat...
I'm not sure if I tried the Conair brand but I have the Caruso brand. I cannot compare it to a ceramic flat iron as I have never used one before. What I can say was that I was disappointed with the Caruso brand, The steam only came out from one side if I remember correctly so it seemed like a regular flat iron that steamed out of one side....

Then again that may have been the Conair steam curling iron that I was thinking about.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.