Steam and my Sew In


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!
I'm a new paid member around here although I've been lurking about in the shadows for a week or two. I'm a 4b/c/whatever and I haven't had a relaxer since my bday in September last year. I currently have a sew in, and I'm in a Co-wash and DC challenge on another board. I'd really like to incorporate steaming because I hear it's perfect for infusing moisture into super dry hair like mine. The sew in just eats the moisture right out of my head and I have to really try in order to keep it all in there. I'm thinking I'm going to steam once a week until the sew in comes out. Is this safe or do you think it'll cause moisture overload even though the sew in takes so much moisture out?
Thanks in advance ladies!
i steam my installs just like i would my own hair. i wear virgin indian hair, not BSS hair so i feel this is necessary. i would not steam synthetic hair cuz why??

i dont see how steaming would be unsafe for ur sure more will chime in:)
Thanks! I have BSS hair in right now, not that that's preferable, but for financial reasons, I got a store brand human hair.
Bump...I have the same question, just bought my steamer..sitting under it now but going to be putting in a sew in tomorrow morning as I am transistioning with you ladies think I can continue to do the steam treatments even with the weave in? Will it benefit my own hair at all or is it not worth the effort? Any tips on how I would go about doing it with the weave? I've only had the weave in once before this and I couldn't really get to my hair like I wanted, so not sure if this would do more damage than good? Any thoughts?
That's a great question. I was thinking the same question because I need to plan a hair do for the winter that is coming up but I still want to steam my hair. I couldn't think of a reason why it would not be a good thing, the only issue may be the weave. Will the weave be able to revert? I guess you will have to see. But I don't think anything bad should happen, it's not like you are using chemicals while you have a sewn in. Wishing you well!