Staying In God's Word



Does anyone have a testimony for how constantly reading the word affects your life? I am starting to read God's word. I am trying to get more and more into the word. Also, why is it said that the word is alive or that Jesus is the living word? I don't quite understand that.

Thank You,

COngratulations on staying in the word. It changed my life. Yeasr ago I was lost. I believed in Christ, spoke on him, but was not committed to doing what I needed to do to be in Jesus. The word saved me. It showed me I didn't have to be afraid to be who I am in Christ. Here are my thoughts about the "Living Word."

Read John 1
The Word Became Flesh

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (or a god depending on which verse you read.)

This passage talks about the Word as the life. God says repeatedly in the bible that he is the God of the living, and not the dead. God spoke life. What I mean by "speaking life" is that He spoke, and created the Heavens and the earth. His word has the power to create, to destroy, to heal and to save.

We are also told that the word is the "sword of truth". That it is impossible for God to lie, so God is truth, and his Word is true.

Who is Jesus? Jesus is God's son, but moreover He is the living embodiment of all God is. He is the Living Word, because he lived the Word. When we accepted Christ, that is why we confessed with our mouths. We had to acknowledge that the Word is the truth. Now the Word (Jesus, through the Holy Spirit) lives in us.

This is why I believe we have to be so cautious with our words. The power of life and death lie in the tongue. A prime example...salvation: A life and death matter.

Stay in the word. The bible tells us to take up the whole armor of God. It tells us our sword is the Word, because it cuts. What does a sword do? It puctures, and divides one thing form another. The Word, therefore gives us discernment. It helps us understand life and what decisions we make.

I have a little suggestion for you. Add another weapon to your reading in the word. Pray and fast. Read a devotional such as Try it for 12 days. Get up in the morning, read your word, pray, meditate on the word and listen for God's voice speaking to you in your worship. O this before you do anything. Fast from some item that you feel dependent on. TV, a certian food, ect. Try a water fast where the only drink you drink is water. Try to remember to apply the word you were given to your day. Pray that God give you wisdom to understand the Word. He gives wisdom abundantly. At the end of your twelve days you will never be the same. Your spiritual walk will have changed forever.