Starting over - pregnancy made my hair fall out :(


Well-Known Member
I've been gone a while but I'm back and need help. :sad: When I first got pg, I immediately noticed that my hair was harder and shedding. It got worse as the months passed despite what I did to it. Now my baby is 3 months old and I want my hair back. Where do I go from here??? Should I just cut it all off and start over or is there a way to possibly salvage this? What would you do?

This is before pregnancy:


And this is now- 3 months postpartum:


I need help.... PLEASE!!!
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I too went through something similar after my first child. Make sure that you continue taking the prenatal vitamins for at least three months after giving birth. My mother then told me to start taking Geritol Complete after I finished the prenatals. (Don't know if this helped, but it didn't hurt) Some shedding is to be expected. Maybe this would be a good time to go shorter, go natural, etc. I eventually had to cut my hair from MBL to SL because of the "thinness" of my hair. However, my hair fully recovered by the time I had my second child 3 years later.

Don't stress out about it too much. Enjoy that baby, be extra gentle with your hair (protective styles), and take it day by day.
Wow I didn’t know women experienced shedding problems during pregnancy. I thought it was primarily afterward, post partum shedding. A few questions.. Are you still shedding? Are you nursing? If you are still shedding then I would get some garlic conditioner STAT. Nurtine and Alter Ego make garlic conditioners that do not smell. You can also apply garlic oils directly to your hair, but I think they smell like garlic. If you aren’t nursing you can also start taking garlic supplements. I would take more than directed. CAUTION – garlic supplements thin the blood so if you have health issues you may not want to take them. You can also try coffee rinses for the shedding. Make a bot of black CAFFENIATED coffee. Step in the shower and poor this over your head. You can do this once or twice a day. With post partum shedding some women said when they started taking their prenatal vitamins this helped to reduce the shedding, too.

Before you do anything drastic like cut your hair. Try to baby it and get it healthy again.

What’s your current regime?
Hang in there!!! Been there done that, but my edges fell out.. I babied my hair and used protective styles forever!!! I used nutrine garlic shampoo, and condish and I took biotin,msm, and b complex. Please know this too shall pass. Be patient your hair will grow back.
Sorry that you are going through this and I know this can be emotionally draining when you have put so much time and effort to get it healthy prior to pregnancy. I went through this 2.5 years ago after I had my daughter I got a really good growth spurt then it started shedding 3 months after I had her. I just went ahead and cut it into an even bob (ear length) and low manipulation as possible. It took 1 year before it started to look like it did before the pregnancy. For me it was easier to deal with my hair after I cut it because it appeared more healthier on the ends which meant less stress on my part.
I just had my 4th baby a few months ago so I can relate. I usually get a good trim after each baby to mask the postpartum shedding. This time isnt so bad. If you dont want to lose too much length you can trim 1 inch at a time until your thickness is back. Also start taking msm or garlic pills. Happy hair growing :)
This too shall pass... so sorry you are going through this... You have to cut it most likely... This is a good time to make any changes you please... cut, color, go natural etc.. Just make sure you eat a balanced diet, take your prenatals and drink lots of water... I'm still trying to recover from all the hair that I lost and I'm over 1 yr PP...
Thanks for bumping!

I'm so sorry you had to go through this :(

Sent from Atop of my throne, in a kingdom where long-haired bad b**ches rule ;)