*Starting Length when you found LHCF vs Your Present Length*

Good evening hair sisters!

I just thought it'd be fun to see where everyone started and where they are now since finding Long Hair Care Forum. Just post when you began your healthy hair care journey, what length you were, and what length you are now. If you still haven't met your hair goal, you can also include what your goal length is. I'll start...

Upon joining LHCF I was TWA length, today I am still TWA length as I just BC'd in May. I know...mine isn't very exciting. Lol. My goal length is hip length. I have a looong way to go but I'm looking forward to the journey ahead!

Okay...who's next???
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I started at SL 1 year ago, (June 2009) now I'm BSL. My goal length is WSL natural. I'm 1 year into my transition. I should be WL by next summer (with new growh and relaxed ends). But should be fully natural WL in another 2.5-3 years.
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Started at an above SL bob cut in December 2006. I'm MBL now. Some of my hair is actually at WL. Who knew that all you had to do was take care of your hair and it would retain that much length? I am so glad I found LHCF.
i found lhcf in the middle of january of this year.

my hair just would not grow before...mainly because i was using alot of bad practices.

well around the middle of january, early february 2010, i got serious and started really working it!

i am absolutely amazed that my hair has actually grown and is going down my back for the first time in my whole life! i never thought this could even happen!


the new faith in my hair's capacity to grow beyond my belief has also strengthened my faith in many other things i never thought i could ever do because my overall faith has been increased and deepened.

my hair journey is like a catalyst that has gotten me up off the fence about alot of things and been the first thing to show me that when i really apply myself, the so called "impossible" that i used to sit on the fence and whine about is actually "possible" when i do my part and let God do the rest.

i'm eternally grateful for this "hair lesson"!
SL one year ago, touching BSL now. This includes trims, as I am also one year into transitioning to natural.

I could have NEVER grown my hair out this quickly and easily without the ladies of LHCF!
Starting Length 2006: SL
Length Now: TWA but not so much (not sure if it qualifies as a TWA anymore, maybe it does)
I was true twa last March...had maybe a *snap* of hair after my second bc and now i'm between sl and apl....and thinking about cutting
My god, this thread is depressing for me :(. I started at SL in August 2008, was nearly APL in August 2009, but somehow I have now gone back to SL :ohwell:. I feel like I'm doomed to have short hair forever :perplexed :nono:
November 2008 -TWA 1 inch in front .5 inch in back

July 2010 - APL in back, 2 inches from APL in front.
Start: a little above EL (chopped off all the damaged hair in fall of '08 from wearing microbraids throughout most of my undergrad and not knowing how to take care of my hair properly)

Now: Between SL and APL
I started LHCF in October '07 with NL relaxed hair. I am currently natural with lengths b/w collarbone and SL.
My god, this thread is depressing for me :(. I started at SL in August 2008, was nearly APL in August 2009, but somehow I have now gone back to SL :ohwell:. I feel like I'm doomed to have short hair forever :perplexed :nono:
we all have set backs, you'll reach your goals :)

I was at or a little longer than mbl and now I'm past wl. This is like at most 3" of growth. I've been here for 2.5 years now so... a lot of us have setbacks just stay positive. :)

edit: so I measured and I have 7-8.5" of new growth.(been transitioning for 20.5 months) So not only do I have slow growing hair, I retained less than half of what I grew.
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I was bra strap length back in 2007 when I started lurking on this site. Now I'm pants pocket length but I've had multiple mini hair cuts and trims because I transitioned from relaxed to natural from 2006-2009.
I subscribed to LHCF in Nov '08 with a shoulder length bob. I grew it out to just below SL (maybe 1.5" to APL), then transitioned. Now I'm all natural and SL again. Just last week I was looking at pics of all my relaxed hair and imagining it was still on my ends, I guess I'd be past BSL. But I'm all natural now and LOVING it.
The pic in my siggy is 6 months after joining and doing my first stretch which was 9 weeks. My starting point was neck length. I am now stuck at the pic in my avatar.
My god, this thread is depressing for me :(. I started at SL in August 2008, was nearly APL in August 2009, but somehow I have now gone back to SL :ohwell:. I feel like I'm doomed to have short hair forever :perplexed :nono:

Stop it. You are not doomed to have short hair forever. You sound just like a friend of mine who has sworn off LHCF because it doesn't work. She has given up:sad:. Her story is exactly the same as yours. We all have setbacks. The key is just to find what works and sticks to it. I hope she comes back to the site :yep: and continues her journey. I've been trying to get her back here but it's not working...yet. lol
I started in June 2008 and I was barely APL. I had BC'd the year before and was growing out my hair. My hair was pretty healthy coming here.
I've been on the forum 2 years and I'm now WSL