Starting from scratch


New Member
Hello ladies, I've been a lurker for years but finally decided to post. I am basically starting from 1 inch of hair, halle berry cut, the thing is just last year I had healthy, almost shoulder length, almost blunt cut, but I got so fed up I cut it off really short, now I MISS MY HAIR. I could not think of anything to do with with when it was long so I chopped it off. Now I am going to grow it out again maybe for the 100th time but really be patient. Im clueless on where to start unfortunatly with my length I have to put heat often (flatiron), brush hair when wet and do alot of things that a damaging. So can anyone help me on how I should begin, maybe braids for the next couple of months like the crown and glory method? all answers will be appreciated, by the way all of you ladies are very beautiful.