Starting from scratch - New Member - Hi everyone


New Member
Hi everyone,

I recently moved to Cherry HIll NJ from Gaithersburg MD in March. Last month I was looking for a new person to do my hair, because I don't like a lot of people in my hair. Well I trusted a friend of mine of over 7 years with her recommendation of a hair dresser.

I should have ran when she didn't have my relaxer. She used a different perm (precise) i was used to affirm. Then after the perm she put in the aphogee treatment. My hair was on fire!! She let the perm sit in too long. She kept asking me if it was burning and i said no, becuause it wasn't, my hair is thick. Eventually after 1/2 hour i TOLD her to wash it out.

She roller set it and combed it out. A week later my hair started to fall until my hair completely fell out. I finally let it shed itself so that all my dead hair can come out.

I have no back, and my left side is thin. I bought Nexxus Biotin shampoo and conditioner and i have been reading on hair and taking care of my own hair.

In a way i guess it was a blessing in disguise, because it taught me to be more educated about my hair and not depend on someone else to do it. right now i am growing out my relaxer and considering going natural. But ovrall i just want to plain take care of my hair.

I heard that mineral oil is not good for our hair, but everything i use has some in it, should i add another oil to combat the dryness? I also take cod liver oil, and nioxin dietary supplements, but i still find that it dries out during the day. How do you keep your roots moist betwen relaxers? Should i try the coconut and lime treatment or do you think my hair is still too fragile? any help on general maintenance would be appreciated.

My hair type is a 4b i think with some 3c. Also i did have one weird question. My hair in my "lower region" (below the belly button)is straight and not curly. Is that weird?

I also should have taken a hint that the beautician had old looking braids herself

I just wanted to say Welcome Kandi!
I think you're already on the right track by becoming more educated about your hair on your own. There are few products out that may not contain mineral oil. Have you ever considered switching to more natural products. I know some relaxed individuals use glycerin products (i.e. S-curl) on their hair to keep it moisturized when they have new growth.
Hi Kandi

I am sorry to hear about your experience with that stylist, but at least you have the knowledge to get your hair back in shape now. This forum has so much great advice.

I use Kera Care Essential Oils on all of my hair concentrating on the new growth and ends. I can't say enough about it, it works wonders for me. I've heard a lot about mineral oil being bad, but some people's hair still thrives while using products containing it. I think it would still be a good idea to use natural and essential oils in addition. Jojoba, olive, peanut, peppermint, aloe, coconut, castor, avocado, and macadamia nut oils are all supposed to be very helpful in moisturizing and softening hair and/or are beneficial to the scalp. There are many more, I can't remember them all right now, but the board has a lot of information on various oils and their functions. If you do a search, I'm sure a lot of helpful threads will come up.

Take care and I'm sure your hair will be thriving again in no time. :-)
kandi1280 said:
Will my hair become addicted to the glycerin? Should i switch up?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think your hair would become "addicted"--but it would probably benefit greatly from the moisture. It's been a while since I've had a relaxer. However, I recommended this to my little sis ::thanks to the LHCF:: and we saw a positive difference in her hair.

Nevertheless, please stay open minded to all of the suggestions on this board. I believe almost everyone here has achieved some type of success with finding what works best for their hair.
I don't know anything about the coconut and lime treatment, but I wanted to welcome you to the board.

I think that you will learn a lot about how to care for your hair on this board.
Re: Starting from scratch - New Member - Hi everyo

hiya kandi!
Sorry that you have had such a disatrous time with your hair, but like you said it could be a blessing in disguise...Now you have the opportunity to learn about your hair and take good care of it...
I wish you much luck and a lot of Happy Hair Growing!
Re: Starting from scratch - New Member - Hi everyo

Welcome Kandi! I use to travel to Cherry Hill from Philly. I had an Olympic long jump coach that lives there. Norm Tate 1968 Olympic team if you ever run across him. Anyway, sorry to hear about your hair situation but glad you are joining us.
Re: Starting from scratch - New Member - Hi everyo

I am going to agree with the Oils thing. At first I didn't believe the ladies here when they said "Try Olive Oil." So I took down one of my braids and condition washed it and put some extra virgin in it and WOW!!!! My hair was soooo soft and supple, i mean DAYUM... heheh, so its all about trial and error (whether that error be something as huge as letting someone else relax your hair and having it all fall out.) You live & learn.