Starting a Relationship... Long Distance


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any advice on starting a fledgling relationship that is long distance? I'm in DC and he's in NY for two years.

We are just starting out so there no colouring, no dirty texts etc. lol. Any advice on how to get this thing started off right?
Lots of visits!

That's going to be another difficult thing. I'm in graduate school and have class every other weekend (Friday and Saturday) and a lot of group work. He doing a residency and is on-call. I am definitely making it a priority though.
diva DC and NY are not that long distance---now im not a fan of long distance at all--but DC and NY are Acela train rides away...

i say if he is a great guy...why not
diva DC and NY are not that long distance---now im not a fan of long distance at all--but DC and NY are Acela train rides away...

i say if he is a great guy...why not

I normally wouldn't either. But between my school schedule and work and his residency it's not like we can just pop up every weekend. involves scheduling and things you can't easily do when you are in the same city or a quick car ride away.

And more like chinatown bus away! lol. I'm broke and he has school loans. I just want to know what to do in the in between times when we can't or aren't together in person.
Can you skype with one another? That way you will be talking face to face (sorta) and it will feel more like you are together.

BTW, totally off topic.. your hair = :lovedrool:
Well, that MAY be on the horizon for me. This guy is 3.5 hours away. He did visit last week and he made plans to come back at the end of April and I will go to his area for Memorial Day weekend, hotel of course.

Good luck
Can you skype with one another? That way you will be talking face to face (sorta) and it will feel more like you are together.

BTW, totally off topic.. your hair = :lovedrool:

Yeah we were talking about Web cams and skype. We both sounded like two grandparents. We've never really used web cams. i have one on my computer but it's slow. He doesn't have one yet so i may give him one as a gift. I just know I suck at talking on the phone, I never really have things to say but maybe face to face will feel more like in-person.

Thanks! I can't wait to get full WL like you seem to be :)
Well, that MAY be on the horizon for me. This guy is 3.5 hours away. He did visit last week and he made plans to come back at the end of April and I will go to his area for Memorial Day weekend, hotel of course.

Good luck

Yeah, my first free weekend is the first and second weekend of April. I'm not free again until May 8. So I'm going to get us to coordinate at that time.

I really want this to work out...
Girl get on that boltbus! The tix are super cheap if you book them early enough. And there's wireless AND outlets so you can do some work ;)
Good luck! I just tried that in January, and it's already over. lol I'm in Texas, and he's in Georgia. We've known each other from high school, but the distance was too much for ME. I missed him too much, and since he was SUCH a good friend and knew a lot of my secrets/personality, he didn't trust that I would just be around twiddling my fingers. I wasn't.

If it's worth it, you can and will make it work.

ETA: It was fun in the beginning. We're both sort of in IT, so we could video conference during the day at work. We'd have the camera on, and go still be working. I remember one night I rented a movie, and wanted to watch it with him so he went out and got the same movie. We watched it at the same time on the phone/webcam, and it felt like he was there. Kinda miss him now that I think about it. :(
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When you do see each other, try to make it a long weekend if at all possible. Plan some dates but make sure to have plenty of face-to-face time that isn't dominated by mundane stuff... it makes being apart much easier when you've had 3 days of real quality time :)
Constant communication, even if you don't see each other very often due to your schedules.
I have done a little research on LDR and in everything that I read it states to not have sex every time you see each other because it possibly can turn into a LD booty call. If you want a relationship treat each time you see the person as a date. Say you see him this weekend and not again until May, well you wouldn't have sex on the second date so why have sex with the person the 2nd time you see them.
How long are you going to be long distance for? I am currently in a long distance relationship now, and it can take a toll on you emotionally. You may feel detached from your SO sometimes due to the fact of not seeing each other as much. Thats how I feel at times. I use skype with my SO, but it can only do so much. Interacting with your SO in person is better because you can learn each other traits, etc. Good luck!