Star ratings for fotki's?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just slow, but I went to my fotki page and when I clicked on my profile page it showed that I had a one star rating. :spinning: I didn't even know fotki allowed you to rate people. I don't know how many people voted/rated me but I just think it's funny somehow that I got one-starred on fotki.
I got one star too. I'm not sure it's related to anyone voting though. I think it may be related to how much traffic a site gets, maybe, lol idk.
i have 2 stars. maybe it starts off as 1 star until more people start rating you. i never saw this b4. i checked others foktis and a lot have only 1 or 2 stars
Okay you guys are making me feel better (not that I felt bad :look: :grin:). I just thought maybe someone had a grudge against me. There are so many unspoken fotki etiquette rules that I don't know. I thought maybe I had offended someone by accident.
I have one star also. At first I was pissed! :grin: LOL! Then I started looking around and I figured out there is no where for anyone to rate you so it must be the computer doing the ratings.
I noticed the rating too, I have one star as well but I didn't see how you rate so I figured it was due to the traffic the fotki gets.
'Our rating system, displays your current ration on Fotki. It depends on various data : number of albums, completeness of personal profile, amount of comments left and received, how much friends do you have, etc. We prefer not to disclose any additional information about Fotki ratings and rating formulas to prevent abuse of these features.'

Copied from the comments under the member Myra.
Ladies, has it's own fotki. it tells you about new updates, etc. from and also has members that participate information that they have.

go here:

there is a member who emailed and got a response from fotki about the ratings (seems it changes daily from what one user mentioned).

go check it out Fotki's Fotki :grin:.
Great info LynnieB. Thanks for posting. :)
Great info LynnieB. Thanks for posting. :)

Anytime Allandra - try to help when i can.

who said it was silly? yea, i think it is too but i also think there's much more to it than just rating folks fotkis.

they are definitely gathering information but for what purpose, heaven knows.
Ladies, has it's own fotki. it tells you about new updates, etc. from and also has members that participate information that they have.

go here:

there is a member who emailed and got a response from fotki about the ratings (seems it changes daily from what one user mentioned).

go check it out Fotki's Fotki :grin:.

Thanks!! I was wondering about the rating system. This answers my question.
'Our rating system, displays your current ration on Fotki. It depends on various data : number of albums, completeness of personal profile, amount of comments left and received, how much friends do you have, etc. We prefer not to disclose any additional information about Fotki ratings and rating formulas to prevent abuse of these features.'

Copied from the comments under the member Myra.

One of my favorite stalkees has a zillion friends, tons of albums, and billions of comments (okay, I exaggerate a bit:grin:) but only ONE star. I think something's up. The information that fotki is not disclosing might be the largest factor in the rating system. LOL.
Maybe I'm just slow, but I went to my fotki page and when I clicked on my profile page it showed that I had a one star rating. :spinning: I didn't even know fotki allowed you to rate people. I don't know how many people voted/rated me but I just think it's funny somehow that I got one-starred on fotki.

Hey where did you buy that Shea butter leave-in condish I just saw on your fotki???? :)
One of my favorite stalkees has a zillion friends, tons of albums, and billions of comments (okay, I exaggerate a bit:grin:) but only ONE star. I think something's up. The information that fotki is not disclosing might be the largest factor in the rating system. LOL.

i noticed this too, i see fotkis that are the same level of completeness as mine, close to the same friend counts, and multiple albums, but she has one star , i have 3 and a half. i dont get it.
I was wondering about this...when I reopened my album like two weeks ago I was trying to figure out all the changes to it since it closed...I now have 4 stars but didn't know who/how/why my album was being rated :perplexed