

Well-Known Member
Someone recommended this product from another hair board. They said it really softened up their new growth. I tried the spray, and it really does work--INSTANTLY. I was surprised how soft my hair came out. I just wanted to know if anyone had negative experiences from using this product.

Wow!!! Do they still make that stuff? I remember my mom usta use that on my hair before she got me a relaxer. It does make natural hair soft though I remember. No ouchies! I wonder if the Asian dude at the store has it. I will definitely look.

I picked up some STA-SOF-FRO a few years ago when my hair was natural since I remembered my mom using that on my brother's 3b curls when we were kids.

I used it and then I realized why mom never used it on me. It just made my hair greasy. Didn't seem to penetrate.
I've been in a few Wal-marts, and I have seen the product on the shelf. I have also seen it in ethnic hair sections in Eckerds Drug stores.
No way will I ever use Sta-Sof-Fro again. About a week ago I was on the board lamenting about my dry scalp and hair. To help my dry hair I sprayed some of ny husband's Sta-Sof-Fro on it. Silly me didn't read the product ingredients...I have been allergic to wool and LANOLIN all of my life. I had such a BAD reaction that I had to the emergency room. I had a severe contact dermatitis rash on my scalp, my hairline, my neck, my face, my was sooooo bad that I had to take a week off from work. In addition, I had seeping sores on my scalp!!! I had to use T-Gel to get rid of the sores. The rash is gone.....but in it's aftermath it left dry, peeling skin. My scalp and hairline peel profusely EVERYDAY! By the hair is the strongest and shiniest that it's ever been. GOOD GRIEF!!!! I have great hair but a raving mad scalp. Can the hair gods please just grant me great hair and a calm scalp at the same time? Anyway, Sta-S0-Fro and anything with Lanolin in it is toxic to me. I am glad that others who use it have good results but I have to avoid it like the plague!!!
Damn, SpicedTea I didn't know wool or lanolin could cause those reactions in some people. Sorry to hear about your hair ordeal, but glad to hear your on the mend from it.

Wow!! Hope you get better soon. Just wanted to tell you that if you are allergic to lanolin be careful if you plan to use any Dominican products. I've noticed that some of their products do contain lanolin. In fact, the Lafier rinse I like so much contains lanolin.
I'm really sorry to hear that spicedtee.
Hope you are doing better soon. /images/graemlins/smile.gif