SqrpioQutie..honey i GOTTA PUT YOU ON BLAST!!!!!!!!


New Member

*COUGH* you'll be at Brastrap in no time flat!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work!:D
hopefully i'll jump on a treadmill at the same time... :eek:

gracias... lol

my guess is that i will be at definite BSL by my next touchup (which is sometime in august)...
Yes girl! Someone pointed me to your album the other day. You have made great progress. Your hair is beautiful.
[SIZE=+2] You have some beautiful hair.....and I love, love, love the color.......I want it. ;)

That's almost the color I was going for when I tried to lighten my hair last year. :ohwell:

Keep growing girl......you and your hair are so pretty. :grin: [/size]