Hey ladies,
I co-washed this morning with Suave Coconut Conditioner, then rinsed with a bit of honey and cold water.
I have a few Questions:
Ladies who Cowash everyday are you detangling as well?
If so are you finger detangling or using a wide tooth comb?
If not how often are you detangling?
I usually detangle with a wide tooth comb with conditioner everyday. I am starting to think this is too much manipulation on my hair. For the last two days more hair came out than usual....I may just need to do a protein treatment. I would really love your feedback to those questions above. Thanks!
hi Ingenious_mind!
i don't detangle with every cowash because i'm almost 16 weeks post.
if i'm rushing, i just cowash, use leave ins, then baggy bun after sealing.
when i have more time, i ALWAYS do an oil rinse between my cowashing.
using oil rinses have helped incredibly!
deatangling has become so much easier!
most times, i only detangle with my fingers (also because the oil rinses make it just that easy to do).
when i use a comb, it is only a wide tooth comb, and if there is a knot, i use my fingers and conditioner/water on the knot...combs just take my hair out of the knot and off of my head.
i try to detangle thouroughly only once every 10-14 days because excessive combing at 16 weeks post, for my hair, is like asking for chopped up hair.
i'm only wearing a bun at the moment, so i don't need alot of detangling nor combing. i usually just smooth my hair back with my hands.