Spoiled Perm


New Member
Hi Ladies:
I am not sure if there has been a thread started on this before or not, I did not locate any info on the topic when searching, so here goes.
I am interested in finding out if anyone has had an issue either past or present with purchasing perm, relaxer, texturizer that has been spoiled or old and not been aware of it before purchasing the product and applied it to your hair and the chemical just did nothing for your hair or caused other problems.
In My past experiences I was fortunate enough to do this several different times, and apply the product, it looked a little different, but no odd smell, no mold or anything to indicate there was truly a problem with it so I thought. I applied the texturizer to my hair as usual, using curl rods, followed instructions to a T-, and no results, period except my hair was much dryer than usual, and my hair was bone straight, this really should not have occurred.
I said all of this to ask, is there a way to tell before you buy a product when it expires?
Any thoughts and Ideas would be welcome.
Thanks in Advance
I've honestly never heard of this. Does the perm have to have a egg in it?

Just Kidding. I've purchased relaxers with dust on the box and didn't have an issue. Sometimes the formula doesn't work for my hair ( I used to switch relaxers every other month). I don't know. I hope you get some good answers. I always thought relaxers lasted at least a couple years.
I bought an expired relaxer in July. I've self relaxed a couple times and was proud that the only times I've been burned were by other stylists and not myself. I used the relaxer and it really started to burn in the back so I had to take it out. I didn't get to do too much smoothing and expected to be very under-processed in the front but surprisingly It wasn't too bad as I was able to smooth a little bit. There are some under-processed parts though . I've been babying my scalp burn until this past weekend when I finally washed my hair. No hair loss so I'm happy. Checked the bottom of my relaxer which was ORS in a jar (lye relaxer) and it expired in January. From now on I'll check every relaxer before I buy from a BSS. After I got burned I researched expired relaxers and read that it could either not work at all or melt hair and skin. So you never know what could happen if you get an expired relaxer.

I also read depending on the relaxer it can last from 1 -1.5/2 years

Sorry for the long comment lol
Oh there was also an old thread here when I researched expired relaxers on a lady who sued a BSS and lost because she lost all her hair from an expired relaxer
Thanks Ladies for your comments, :yep:
I have been toying around with the idea of texlaxing but still after six months of thought, I still am very, very, apprehensive about taking that BIG step again into the chemicals.

I am a product label reader and I have never seen any dates on any of the relaxers, texturizers, perms, I have used in the past. Makes me wonder what they are trying to hide (conspiracy theory):detective: