Split ends!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, can someone suggest any products that will repair or at least conceal and or lessen the appearance of split ends?? Thanks
That's the laaaast answer I wanted to hear, but thanks.

No regimen or product is going to save or mend them?
I know girl, I know. But trim babysteps not CUT. Listen I think Crysdon just posted some interesting hair myths. Read the one on Trims. Sums it up.
Ok. Be positive. Look at it as if you have to get rid of the dead weight. Don't sabotage the healthy hair you have.
And treat those new ends like they are gold!
split ends need to be chopped b4 it travels up to the healthy hair. Your hair will grow back healthier
If not taken care of your split ends will travel up the hair shaft. Your hair will become very fragile and easy to break. Take it from me. I never got my ends trimmed and split ends ate just about all my 28 inches of hair up.
I basically had to start from scratch(bottom of ear)
If you add that correctly you would come up with=I LOST ALL MY HAIR!
Thats whare mine is now...main reason I hate to part with the bit of length I have. I'd have to chop about an inch off.
Take baby steps. Trim the ends a little a time. I had the same problem a couple of months ago. I didn't want to lose any length but the split ends had to go. I was surprised at how much better my hair looked and felt after the trim. Now I get regular trims. Yes you lose a little length but the benefits are well worth it.
I had splits ends and I ended up trimming my ends a little at a time and applying profectiv healthy
ends to my hair and it turned out fine.
Your hair will grow back and be much healthier.