Split Ends, Wrong Products, & I thought natural was supposed to be good!


New Member
My post seems to be gone, so I apologize for the repost.

I'm having a hair disaster of sorts mostly because I don't understand my hair or what's going on with it.

  • First, I don't know how to figure out what hair type I have. I have not had a relaxer in 5 years, and my hair is very thin and fine. When it's wet its very wavy/curly reminding me of a spiral but it dries into a fluffy mess. No definition, frizzy etc. (I have no clue what to put in it to be able to wear it this way) :nono:
  • Second, I learned (through this site) how to start being protective and wear protective styles. Well I'm pretty much a weave and wig girl, but when I stop wearing them, my hair would go from shoulder blades to neck length in rapid time frames. I go back to a weave for about 6 months, get back to long lengths, take it out... same thing! :wallbash: I don't know what to do when I wear my own hair nor what to put in it.
  • Third, I haven't found a good hair product for my hair yet! When I want to straighten my hair, I run a ceramic flat iron over it and it straights very easily, one pass, but grease seems to be too greasy, oil too oily, cream conditioners seem to be more wet than anything and take my hair from straight, to wavy because of the moisture. and I don't even want to get into what gel does! :nono:
  • Fourth, My hair often itches right in the middle and breaks off there all the way down to 1" while the rest of my hair is fine and I don't know why. :cry2:
  • Fifth, My split ends, (sighs) well I learned about dusting, but what happens when the cutting and dusting doesn't work? Is there something I can put in it, or do to my hair to help with this problem?
I would love to be able to grow my hair, and wear it down when necessary and know that in the morning it will still be there.

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee Help me!!! :darkcloud:
Is this the thread you lost? http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=320325

Are you using a very sharp pair of scissors that doesn't cut anything else but your hair? Getting a clean cut when dusting or trimming is one way to cut down on split ends. A lot of people also seal their ends with something heavy live Vaseline or Castor Oil. I hope they can come and chime in on that note.

I don't understand your fourth point. Do you mean that your scalp itches in the middle and it is in that area that the hair breaks off till you only have an inch left? Hmm...? :scratchch If your hair isn't being pulled tightly there from the weave or styling, and if you're sure it isn't grease or oil (those make my scalp itch), then maybe having a doctor eliminate some other skin condition might help. But the fact that the hair is not falling off but breaking makes me doubt it is a skin condition. Hopefully someone else can help.
Ahh yes it is the tread I lost, and I ony just saw it a moment ago thanks Nonie, (and sorry everyone for the double post!!!)

Yes, my hair/scalp begins to itch. I haven't been able to pinpoint why, but whenever my hair iches, it's usually right in the middle and then no kidding a very short time later, I notice that my hair in that exact spot has broken off to be about 1/2" to about 1" in length. It's so frustrating and I have no clue what to do.

I use a pair of hair scissors (frightfully sharp) but there have been an occasion or two where I used what was in the house. So I see I should stick to those.

That is also very interesting what you say about "sealing your ends" I hope that someone else can give me some more insight on that too!
You should probably cut out the 3rd part. You are using things that could damage your hair when paired with a flat iron, gel, grease, oil:nono: These will fry your hair and cause breakage. Try searching the board for flat ironing tips for when you want to wear your hair straight or you could cut heat out all together but if you do it you have to do it right.

ETA: Or are you putting these things on your hair after you flat iron?
Honestly at first I was doing it before. I was using wild growth hair oil (very little) the day before or so, and then the next day would flat iron it and then sleep with it wrapped under a satin scarf. But no matter what it was sizzling. So then I tried other things, cream conditioners everything, a product that was used specifically for pressing hair and now I try not to use anything, just flat iron dry hair with no product. I don't know if this is right, but my hair doesn't sizzle either. I'm soooo lost.
you should try using a leave in conditioner and heat protectant on wet hair after a deep treatment, then blowdry (or airdry) and then flat iron, but in my opinion it should be done the same day. my hair does not turn out right with i airdry overnight and the next day flat iron.
also to moisturize flat ironed hair try keracare cream hairdress or jane carter nourish and shine. the nourish and shine is a butter and its all natural and its amazing. to seal use just a litle bit of castor oil. in the summer use coconut oil(since its cold now the coconut oil will solidify and may cause further breakagee so only use it in the warmer months).
Honestly at first I was doing it before. I was using wild growth hair oil (very little) the day before or so, and then the next day would flat iron it and then sleep with it wrapped under a satin scarf. But no matter what it was sizzling. So then I tried other things, cream conditioners everything, a product that was used specifically for pressing hair and now I try not to use anything, just flat iron dry hair with no product. I don't know if this is right, but my hair doesn't sizzle either. I'm soooo lost.

Try just some lacio lacio as a leave in and then some SMB then rollerset and flatiron (if you want it straight). Of course be sure to DC properly before. If you want you can add a dab of one of your favorite moisturiziers before adding the SMB.
Honestly I would put the flatiron down for at least 6 months and concentrate on moisture. Can you do buns/ponytails for a few months? Minus weaves and braids. What are you using for a deep conditioner? I'm wondering if you are allergic to anything you're using that's causing breakage in the crown area.maybe there is heat damage there.you should definitely see a dermotologist just in case.

There's a thread by Pinkskates on how to straighten natural hair.

Right now I'm using Hairveda products and my hair is thriving.

Don't worry, everything is reversible and there's so much help/info on this site.
I agree with BostonMaria, give the heat a break. I think you should start off with a nice trim ( just my opinion, i always start over with a trim... nothin serious usually like 1/4in if that). Then, look into non detergent shampoos(poos that don't contain sls) and good conditioners(cheapies like V05 or suave) and deep conditioners (I use Dpr 11 from elasta qp but i'm searching for something new). Then try a moisturizer, some naturals and relaxed heads like shea butter... i think Traycee (K.I.S.S) uses a great shea butter... its creamy and easier to use.

These are things I use/used to help build my regimen...
Its all trial and error.

Good luck
Hey, sorry for your trouble. Don't worry, your on the right site. I was having major issues before I got w/ LHCF. My suggestion is use something to get your scalp healthy and conditioned maybe even a growth aid, there are many different types. I use MN, Mega-tek and fresh aloe juice, that I juice myself (using the leaves of an aloe plant-this is cheaper and works for how I want to use it as a leave-in 2x-3x per day) my scalp was in horrible shape before I started this. Now my hair is filling in nicely where it was obviously thinning it's gotten thicker and I'm getting an inch a month. I've also added steaming (homemade steamer method thanks to Samanthajones) this seems to add moisture to my hair and trust me it needs it as it is extremly dry, I'll do this 2x-3x per week to bring the moisture levels back. If I can make a recomendation, Aussie's Moist conditioner and their Knot Forgotten with a steam treatment and everyday cond. Has been good to me and you can find them at biglots for under $2.50.
