Split Ends or Uneven ends........


New Member
are they one in the same? If not, how can you tell the difference? Do uneven ends have to be clipped to maintain length? Do you think even hair grows faster? (Meaning, do you hold on to the length gained easier?)


Split ends and uneven ends are NOT the same. You can have uneven ends which are also split, but not necesarily. You can get a bad haircut and have uneven ends. When you think of split ends, think "frayed." You can often look at one up close and see the portion which is split...solid to a point and then for lack of a better word, several forks in the road. You might also refer to some of the previous threads on how specific people here "know or recognize" their own split ends.

Your questions: Do uneven ends have to be clipped to maintain length? Do you think even hair grows faster? NO, to both. Think about it. A lot of people who have layers grow out hair over time and then get to a point when they start doing evening all around, but not necessarily at the beginning.

Hope this helps...

Thanx Jade for your reply.

I have been watching my ends closly for split ends and I only saw 1 shedded piece of hair that actually had a double end to it. But, I have let to stylist look at my hair in the past and they call my uneven ends split, and there only advice is to cut it off
. Well, I'm gone to keep following my instincts and stay away from stylist, because I seem to be more educated about hair them many of them.