Split ends helped by a Magnifying Make up mirror


Active Member
My husband picked up a two sided magnifying, lighted make-up mirror from a garage sale. I looked at myself in the mirror a few times and didn't scare myself as much as I thought (large pores and all). I then saw a split end.

I had been doing search and destroy to no avail. My hair was all over the bathroom floor every time I did anything to my hair. I moisturized, proteined, everything. Still hair everywhere. With this magnifying mirror, I saw split ends that I could not see with my naked eye (Splits everywhere). I got everyone of them, I think. All I know is, my hair is no longer all over the floor and has been getting thicker.

I need glasses to see close up, so it may not make a huge difference if your eye sight is great.

Thanks for letting me share. :grin: