Split End Prevention


Well-Known Member
I have a terrible problem with my ends splitting. I have some Jilbere shears that I bought a few months ago that I use to clip them but they just re-appear. I know dull scissors and dryness could be a culprit. What are some other factors that cause hair to split? What are some precautions I can take to keep my ends from splitting?
Split ends are inevitable. Any time you do anything to your hair (styling, brushing, combing, heat appliances, etc), the ends are susceptible to splitting, even the natural elements can cause splits. The best you can do is monitor your hair to determine how often you need to trim based on your current regimen and make moisturizing and sealing the ends a priority so you won't have to trim as often.
What about your diet?

Is that a possible culprit? Are there any vitamin/supplement deficiencies that you could be making up?

Also agree with Miss AJ about being vigilant about moisture.

1. Watch out for acidic ingredients in your products
2. Check if your sealant is all that
3. Do you tuck your ends

I do a water/aloe (pH 6) heavy spritz followed by a water-based leave-in lotion 2x daily and add a pomade 2x a week. Once I focused on root to end product application it made a difference. HTH!