
New Member
HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP I'M FREAKING OUT!! I let my hair air dry last weekend and notice tones of split ends... I am currently APL and 5mths into my into my 9mths stretch. The last time I had my ends cut was back in June sometime, I used my FHI maybe twice in 2010 and I don't do the hand dryer so I don't know what I have done to cause this.

I am ready to call my hair dresser and just let her hack away... I was freaking out so bad about it that I almost picked up the scissors myself and went to town :perplexed...

If it wasn't for the fact that my hair would have ended up like stair case steps I think I would have really taken those scissors to my hair. Help guys!!! Is it a good idea to just let Micky (my hair dresser) cut them off now or should i wait until my ralaxer in June?
Well you need to do something about them now...or else by your relaxer in June they would just have traveled up the shaft, so instead of 1/4"-1/2" trim/dust you would then need 1 to 2" cut.

Either get a splitender, do a search and destroy mission or go to the hair shop (but tell him to go in by your natural layers and trim/dust your splits ends only not chop your hair off)!
Well you need to do something about them now...or else by your relaxer in June they would just have traveled up the shaft, so instead of 1/4"-1/2" trim/dust you would then need 1 to 2" cut.

Either get a splitender, do a search and destroy mission or go to the hair shop (but tell him to go in by your natural layers and trim/dust your splits ends only not chop your hair off)!

I feel your pain, been using the search and destroy method on mine
and it really works!

just gotta nip em in the bud! lol
Well here is an update of my ends issue.... So when I get there my hair dresser calms me down she explained to me what she was about to do. Since she knows I HATE the blower (hand held blow dryer used to blow out hair), she had to ready me mentally lol. Yes as you can tell I'm a bit dramatic lol.

So she washed and deep deep conditioned me with some stuff she got out of the back room that she brought back from DR during her last trip home. I love it when she uses her products from back home :yep:. After that she put in the rollers, and I sat under the dryer for what seemed like 4hrs!!

Once I was done under the dryer, it was time for that dang blower OMG it was HOT :burnup: !!! Once she was done with the torture she THEN cut my ends (has anyone ever done it like that before?) ....

So below are the before and after shots... And I was very happy with the end result. I also will be protecting my ends for dear life from now on.

Welp that's it for now take care ladies.
Awww :bighug:
I recently suffered my first "split-ends" set back back in february (See Here)
It made me cry...but now I know better :yep:
And as you stated, i'm protecting these ends for dear life! lol.
Your ends look amazing! :lick: Replace your signature because your hair is seriously drool worthy with that new picture! :lovedrool:

I didn't think you needed to hack away much, where you put the first yellow line was where I saw you needed to cut. :look:
Your ends look amazing! :lick: Replace your signature because your hair is seriously drool worthy with that new picture! :lovedrool:

I didn't think you needed to hack away much, where you put the first yellow line was where I saw you needed to cut. :look:

I will replace it right away... :grin: