Split end blues :(

Lady Kay 21

New Member
Hi ladies.

I am so depressed over my ends. I feel like no matter what I try, they are always splitting. I do protein every other week, and moisturizing dc with every wash, which is about every 4-7 days. I make sure i am moisturizing and sealing daily. I trimmed my hair back in January, and dusted in February, because I kept on seeing split ends and breakage off the ends. I don't know what else to do... I'm at a point where I just want to shave it all off and start fresh again....
I need suggestions and solutions, or something.. Thanks....
maybe every other week is too often for your hair to be protein treated. you could try cutting back some with the PT and focus more on moisture so that your strands are more pliable and less likely to split. just a guess, hth.
Are you trying to get rid of every split end? Because it's impossible. On this board, we tend to overanalyze everything about our hair. If you get trims, your hair probably looks fine.
maybe every other week is too often for your hair to be protein treated. you could try cutting back some with the PT and focus more on moisture so that your strands are more pliable and less likely to split. just a guess, hth.

Are you saying that too much protein causes splits?
Are you trying to get rid of every split end? Because it's impossible. On this board, we tend to overanalyze everything about our hair. If you get trims, your hair probably looks fine.

Not exactly every split end. almost all of my shed hair has splits on them. and I'm trying to figure out why this keeps happening. i could be over analyzing them but i doubt it.

ETA: and they aren't split into two, they r split into like three or four pieces.
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I agree. Every other week for protein might be a little too much. I know I can't do too much protein as my hair will get really brittle and start breaking. That might be your problem as well.

You may have to cut your hair a little more, but you need to find the cause of it first. Otherwise, you'll have shorter hair which will still split. It more than likely will stop after you cut. I didn't use to be an advocate for cutting right away, but I've found (by accident) that it might be best to cut and start fresh.

Hopefully some other ladies will come in and offer their advice as well.
I do protein every 6 weeks then follow up with a moisturizing conditioner; every other week will definitely cause splits and breakage.
The protein tha I am using isnt as hard protein. It's either ORS replenishing pak or aphogee 2 minute reconstructure. I though only hard proteins cause breakage?????
I don't see anything wrong with using a mild protein once a week if you're relaxed. Trying baggying your ends and analyze your combs. If you're not using a seamless comb then get one. I will go all out for Sally's Jilbere Shower Comb.
I don't see anything wrong with using a mild protein once a week if you're relaxed. Trying baggying your ends and analyze your combs. If you're not using a seamless comb then get one. I will go all out for Sally's Jilbere Shower Comb.

I am not currently using seamless combs, I will try this and see how it works out. :)

Also, are you using heat on a regular basis? What's your regimen?
I use heat about three times a month ( direct heat) and indirect heat every week to deep condition.

I wash and deep condition every 4 to 7 days . I moisturize with NTM and seal with either nourish and shine or a serum.

are you using leave in products with cones?

I use Ic fantasia serum, and I believe it has cones in it. can cones be the culprit?
I am not currently using seamless combs, I will try this and see how it works out. :)

I use heat about three times a month ( direct heat) and indirect heat every week to deep condition.

I wash and deep condition every 4 to 7 days . I moisturize with NTM and seal with either nourish and shine or a serum.

I use Ic fantasia serum, and I believe it has cones in it. can cones be the culprit?

I think so, if you leave it on your hair for too long. Cones stop the hair from receiving moisture. It has been my experience that after using such a product for more than 4-5 days my ends look like splitsville city.
I do believe that the cones could be the culprit. I'm just now realizing how much my hair really dislikes cones in certain forms. Last month, I used the Fantasia IC heat serum on my ends before flat-ironing & my ends felt terrible--like crumbled cookies.
Are you sure they are split ends and not just ragedy ends that need moisture? I think you might be using too much protein and that could possibly be the culprit. I must add that I am definately a do it yourself kinda girl when it comes to my hair, but in this case with you trimming and dusting so often you might want to let a professional look at your hair because you could be over trimming. Another option is you could give your hair a fresh start and head to great clips for $14 you can have them check for split ends and trim and even out your hair, then you can evaluate your hair routine and go from there.

Hope this helps.