Splint ends should I...


New Member
Ok...I am a NEWBIE with split ends and I know that they are going to get worse if I ignore them. I cut my hair in Aug/2007 short & sexy. Now that I have some nice growth my split ends reared there ugly heads again...:wallbash: I don't want to cut my hair anymore, although I know I will have too...should I put something on them to slow down the process and let my hair continue to grow? Cut them myself? Or go the beauty salon and let them wack my head?
If you can I think that you should cut them yourself if you don't have anyone that you can trust to cut them. I am a newbie as well, I'm not sure but I think that I've heard that putting castor oil on your ends help. HTH.
I would say cut them off! Its all about health over length. Split ends will continue to split up the hair shaft and then you will have even more damage requiring even more hair to be cut off.

As far as doing it yourself... go for it if you think you can. I personally don't cut my own hair because I can't see in the back and I'm nervous it will be uneven then I'll have to end up cutting even more to even it out.

After you figure out what to do with you ends I would suggest asking some of the other more experienced ladies here (i'm new too) what to do to prevent the split ends... but i'm sure they will say something like moisture moisture and more moisture and seal with oil.
Why don't you do some dusting? Dusting is a method of clipping split ends, but not doing drastic cutting....hope that makes sense:perplexed. Alot of ladies dust here often like every month or so. Dusting should help you get rid of the split ends without seeing a major difference in your length. Maybe some of the dusting experts will chime in.

I don't recommend going to the salon and letting them trim your ends :nono:, most of the time they cut off all your progress. If you don't have a stylist that you really trust, you will be disappointed. I have seen this happen so many times on the board:nono:.
I would go ahead and cut them; I had the same dilemma back in August and I was sick to get an inch cut off, but I'm so glad I did; after this relaxer, my hair looks sooo much better, and she was then able to just dust them. I think I will still make shoulder in January/first of February as a result.

If you have a stylist who knows how to dust, then perhaps you can start there. I am so blessed to have a stylist that knows I like dusting and that I truly hate scissors (I've been "scalped" too many times!)

HTH and HHG!
I would trim the split ends when I got the perm to start with a clean slate of healthy hair. If you don't trim the splits they can travel up the shaft and split further. I'm sure more experienced ladies will chime in and advise you how to keep your ends healthy. HTH
I would trim the split ends when I got the perm to start with a clean slate of healthy hair. If you don't trim the splits they can travel up the shaft and split further. I'm sure more experienced ladies will chime in and advise you how to keep your ends healthy. HTH
thanks..my next relaxer is due in two weeks..do I relax then trim..or trim than relax?
Relax than trim
You must cut split ends off, it took me a while to finally realize the main ethics of healthy hair is "Health over length" and until you can overcome that you will always be stress out.