Spirulina And Hair Growth


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice a difference in hair growth/retention while using spirulina? What is a good reputable source to buy the powdered form from?
I used it for 4 months and did not note any improvement in hair or health. I also started with powder and my only advise is if you havent tried it before, powder is .... it stinks and does not taste nice, at all. I still have a bottle I cant bring myself to use and might end up chalking it.

Theres a long thread on spirulina if you search, where ppl discussed various brands
I used it for 4 months and did not note any improvement in hair or health. I also started with powder and my only advise is if you havent tried it before, powder is .... it stinks and does not taste nice, at all. I still have a bottle I cant bring myself to use and might end up chalking it.

Theres a long thread on spirulina if you search, where ppl discussed various brands
how often were you sing it and in what amount
how often were you sing it and in what amount

i used a heaping teaspoon and the suggested amount was a teaspoon so i think i used more than suggested. plus i got the sunrise tablets eventually and used the powder and tablet form and i still didnt see any improvement. i use glasses and one day, i woke up and was watching tv and realized i could see without my glasses, that day has since passed and im back to steve urkel. and that improvement might be due to chlorella rather than spirulina.
i used a heaping teaspoon and the suggested amount was a teaspoon so i think i used more than suggested. plus i got the sunrise tablets eventually and used the powder and tablet form and i still didnt see any improvement. i use glasses and one day, i woke up and was watching tv and realized i could see without my glasses, that day has since passed and im back to steve urkel. and that improvement might be due to chlorella rather than spirulina.
Were using it daily.
I used it for 4 months and did not note any improvement in hair or health. I also started with powder and my only advise is if you havent tried it before, powder is .... it stinks and does not taste nice, at all. I still have a bottle I cant bring myself to use and might end up chalking it.

Theres a long thread on spirulina if you search, where ppl discussed various brands

I've never tried it, but have you tried mixing a little bit of it in a fruit smoothie or baking it in a muffin recipe or even mixing it in applesauce? I plan to start taking wheat grass powder and these are some of the ways I will get it in me.
sorry @Subscribe, i don't mean to hijack the thread. im sure it works for some people, but maybe start with the tablet form.

@larry3344 i used it everyday, sometimes 2ice a day, i wanted my hair to grow that much. i had to speak in tongues to prepare myself to drink it, it was torture and i would continue to do it if it had worked. only thing that has worked is collagen

@newgrowth15 i tried it in juice, milk and by itself. i dont drink smoothies or applesauce. i ended up adding lots of ginger powder to mask the smell, i held my nose and gulped it down followed by juice and then water without trying to breathe. there were a few episodes of projectile vomitting... thats why i'm still staring at the one remaining bottle o_O