
Well-Known Member
I have 8 so far....:yep:

  1. Reading through the Bible in one year
  2. Closer relationship with Jesus
  3. Tithing/Bank Acct for God
  4. Regular Fasts
  5. Quarterly Christian Retreats
  6. Speaking at ..at least one church
  7. Writing one Christian PB
  8. A blog on the Fruit of the Spirit
Here is one I thank God I was able to do this year
...participate in the Gratitude thread ..naming a gratitude daily
or almost daily :look:
Read the bible cover to cover chronologically.
Spend quality time in Gods presence.
Start daily bible study times with my family.
Rely on the Lord's wisdom totally.
Live each day on a day by day basis.
Let's see...

1.) Reading the Bible through from Gen. to Rev.
2.) Growing and maintaining a more intimate relationship with God.
3.) Being more aware and knowing the difference between being
spiritually led and fleshly led and the wisdom to make the right choice.
4.) Taking the focus off of me and really seeing the needs of other
people that God has divinely placed in my life.
5.) Uncovering and developing my spiritual gifts and walking in them
for the glory of God.
6.) Walking by faith, and not by fear or sight... on a daily basis.
7.) Trusting God in EVERYTHING and not trying to run my life myself

I'm sure I have more, but I'll stop here...

This is a great way to put my resolutions out there and help me to stick to them..

1-Continue my education @ NY school of bible
2-Increase my prayer time
3-Fast regularly
4-Hand over my life completely and stop taking it back
5-Use my spiritual gifts and accept them by saying yes when asked to speak and teach.
6-Be more creative in my youth group meeting.

I too could go on and on....
My #1 resolution is GO TO CHURCH!

I am too hit and miss when I wake up on Sunday morning. I need to go to the place of worship on a more regular basis.
I want to be a more loving, caring, and kind person.
I want people to know I am a Christian by my actions.
I want to regularly attend BSF classes.
Regularly read my bible.
1. Spend more alone time with God.
2. Acknowledge God in all my ways until I do it with out even thinking.
3. Faithfully participate in at least 2 bible studies.
4. Plan 4 personal retreats alone or with a group.
5. Decide whether or not I am going to join the church I am attending.
6. Become a bible study leader.
7. Allow God to lead me in 3 major life decisions I HAVE to make in 09.
1. Be patient!!
2. Spend more time around like-minded friends.
3.Read the bible more
4. Implement more programs at my school that teach the bible
I will fellowship more and get out of the house and into the midst of my people :grin:

I will learn to listen and be quiet and wait patiently to hear and follow the Lord

Stop giving advice unless I am asked for it

Get more involved in church, now that my kids are older and can sit still

Smile more(like I use to)
1. Seeking God's face, not His hand
2. Reading the entire bible
3. Fasting regularly
4. Sabbathing weekly...(idk why this one is way harder than it should seem sometimes...smh...lol.)
5. Shifting the focus from "me", and learning how to truly love and serve others.

I noticed a lot of people want to read the bible this year, which is awesome! I found a webpage that may be of some help, it is a bible reading plan to complete the bible in 2 months. It is rigorous, but you dont necessarily have to do it all in 2 months. You can read it at a slower pace...its set up in a way that you dont have really long books back to back, which could discourage someone from continuing chronologically...I plan to try it out. Here is the link.

1. Learning and experiencing true worship and not just praise.
2. Spending more time alone with God and his Word.
3. Finding a church that I feel comfortable with.
4. Letting go of bad and confusing experiences with church rituals, religion, and theological classes and using them as a tool to grow closer SPIRITUALLY to God.
5. Using the miracles that God has provided last semester to increase my faith for the trials to come...and not doubting God in every aspect of my life, especially academically.
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1.) Really strive to life a live that Honors God and Jesus Christ.

2.) Try really hard to tithe out of all income no matter what.

3.) Stop being so negative, judgmental and complaining all the time

4.) Find a church to belong to.

5.) Stop allowing the devil to influnce my emotions.

6.) To stop having bitterness, hatred and anger towards black men.
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How are your resolutions going so far? I resolved to go to church more. I overslept and missed service at my church today but rushed across town to another church that holds a later service. I still need to do better but I am glad that I made it to church and I found an alternative place of worship that I can go to if I miss my church. But I need to be more concrete at my home church.
How are your resolutions going so far? I resolved to go to church more. I overslept and missed service at my church today but rushed across town to another church that holds a later service. I still need to do better but I am glad that I made it to church and I found an alternative place of worship that I can go to if I miss my church. But I need to be more concrete at my home church.

Thanks for asking and for posting your process.....
I admire you for being solution-minded ...........
I also have other alternatives for my church...reg time 11;15
some times my church can feel overwhelming ..so I vary my worship
at other neighboring churches that feel comfortable

Here's my process so far..represents
the resolutions I've begun to work on
to work on ..so far

I have 8 so far....
Reading through the Bible in one year

Starting January 1, 2009, CBN.com launches a new, interactive system to take you through the Bible in a year. We make it easy to get into the habit. First, you tell us you want to participate by registering online. Then CBN.com takes care of the rest.

Bright and early each morning, you will receive a personalized e-mail with a direct link to the day’s readings. You average three to four chapters a day, so it’s not a big time-consuming chore.

Oddly enough this came in my inbox..registering today..
will be only six days behind
it says only 4 readings a day... so seems do-able for me

Closer relationship with Jesus
asking to be led...
using tools as below and meditation

Who Jesus Is
These lessons have been written to help you know Jesus personally. And as you do, we hope and pray that you will enjoy the wonderful benefits that come from friendship with Him!

Tithing/Bank Acct for God

Regular Fasts
Began one Jan 1rst
plan to incorporate a once weekly

Quarterly Christian Retreats
my church's Women's Ministry is having a 5 hour onsite retreat
for women... Women's Spa Day for the Soul this Saturday
attending this as a perfect end to my fast
but also resolve regular retreats... away...from the city
in a holy space

Speaking at ..at least one church

Writing one Christian PB
researched Victoria Osteens' book picture books

A blog on the Fruit of the Spirit
I was asked to be a guest meditation speaker
on a spiritual hot line for seven days Jan18-24
I thought I would blog then on fruit of the Spirit..which would also
be the copy and focus for the phone line and also PM the number to any members who want to call in...

Here is one I thank God I was able to do this year
...participate in the Gratitude thread .
.naming a gratitude dailyor almost daily

want to continue this

want to add
prayer constantly
being really gentle/restful with myself
forgiveness on a daily basis
repentance nightly
peace..quiet tranquility as a way of life
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*To continue to build my relationship with God
*To develop a renewed and transformed mind
*Build up my spirit man
*To confess the Word over my life on a daily basis
1) Getting to the root of worship
2) Learning how to be still and let God work and not try to help Him
3) Learning how to be still (lol) (I get in trouble alot with this had to put it twice:wallbash:)
4) Sharing the gospel more and not missing opportunities to see how ppl really are (lost someone to suicide this past year)
5) Never doubting with my tithes
1. Start looking to God more for answers.
2. To be thankful for what I have.
3. Learning how to let God and let go (FOR GOOD)
4. To pray daily
5. To look for peace and serenity
6. Off topic: to not be jealous of chicks on the forum with insane hair progress and I have been stuck for darn near 8 months and I am SO ready to pull a GI Jane and just shave it all off...sorry vent...
7. To stop standing in my own way!! If God shows me a path or gives me a sign or my intuition kicks in, I need to go with it. Period.
To Read my bible daily
Find a ministry to serve in at church
To be sensitive daily to the Holy Spirit for guidance
To give the firstfruits of time and finances
To get a true understanding worship
The first quarter of the year is up, how is everyone doing on their spiritual resolutions?

I think I'm doing pretty good with God's help. I've gotten involved in the dance ministry at church, I am attending more functions at church outside of Sunday service and fellowshipping with my people. I smile now. At first it felt weird just smiling all the time, but it is starting to feel good.
Is it too late to add mine?

Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
Habakkuk 2

"Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.
Revelation 1:19

:) :) :)
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  1. Do a thorough survey of the New Testament
  2. Go to Greece and Israel
  3. Write proposal for "Lady in Waiting" ministry
  4. Take Gifts of the Spirit class at church
  5. Join a helps ministry
  6. Become advisor is STAR ministry
  7. Become certified counselor for altar calls