Spiritual health and Physical health


New Member
I want to start this Thread with this quote from 3 John:2 :
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers."

Saved06's Thread on Obama healthcare plan made me think of this(yes we need to pray more than ever before and also take action for ourselves, our health)

In the wake of the swine flu pandemic, I want to bring the attention on how important beeing in good health should be to everyone. not eat junk food, eat healthy food, cleanse to get rid of toxins accumulated in our blood, lymph, lungs, liver, kidneys and colon. toxins are the ones giving us the health problems( I am not talking about physical injuries). eat natural foods as much as you can because conventional foods are full of toxins, GMOs, hormones and pesticides that destroy our health (this is put in our food for a reason too).

The flu pendemic is there at level 6, they talk about it in the news not to much for now but it will spread like a wild fire all around the world.
Be careful about flu shots please research lenghtly about vaccines and their content and research before you make you decision, and pray more than ever before. eph 6:18 :
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

The Georgia GuideStones first citation explains Obama healthcare plan and the swine flu pandemic and flu shots and more things going on in front of our eyes. We need not to be afraid God is with us.
May God bless you all
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EXCELLENT! Zanna. Excellent!

We do have to guard ourselves with healthy eating and living.

Zanna, with your permission, may I also add getting plenty of exercise. Take walks, drink plenty of water and keep active on a daily basis. One does not need to belong to a gym to get and to stay fit. There are online health sites which are just as good as going to a gym and are easy to follow.

www.sparkpeople.com is a favorite of mine. I love this site. They will emaill an exercise to you each day with an interactive demo to make it easy to follow.

Again, thank you for this awesome admonishment to the Body of Christ whose bodies need to maintain healthy care.

God bless you, Zanna :kiss:
Thank you Shimmie, plenty of exercise and dring plenty of water is as important yes.
Thank you so much for adding that.
God Bless you
r blood, lymph, lungs, liver, kidneys and colon. toxins are the ones giving us the health problems( I am not talking about physical injuries). eat natural foods as much as you can because conventional foods are full of toxins, GMOs, hormones and pesticides that destroy our health (this is put in our food for a reason too).

Thank you! The further we stray from nature (things designed the way God designed them, to be used as He designed) the worse off we are, in all things.