Spiritual Business Entrepreneurs..Weekly Action Check -in


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Mrs Boo,the Entrepreneurial Spirit Thread was started and is now a sticky:grin:

I have a business, and like a lot of us,would like to take it to the next level so the sticky was suggested to have a place for us to support and cheer each other on.
Can I make some suggestions to get us started?
  1. This week we introduce ourselves,business and goals for our business...
  2. Beginning NEXT Monday May 12th we check in with actions for the work week
  3. The business action can be one or ten.....
  4. Each Monday we check in with new actions AND affirm those we able to accomplish and those that need more support from the week before.
  5. Feel free to share any Bible verses to encourage!
  6. We have the right to give an online Hallelujah party when a diffcult action was accomplished. :grin::yep::lachen:
Any other suggestions.... embraced :yep:
:update: (s) welcomed

Let's have fun, lovelies...may the Lord bless us & prosper.

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
I was going to join this but then I remember this forum can be viewed by anyone. Good luck ladies!
As the Reigning Queen of Procrastination :rolleyes:
I'm going to post my overall goals today on the sticky

...I have to set my appearance calendar one year ahead...to meet my goal of being booked the entire year in Sept...so breaking down the goals in 3mos..6mos.. 9.mos... 1 year increments...

and then at the beginning on the work week Monday...
start posting weekly actions...... I think someone already got started:grin:!

baby steps...encouraged
speaking as a toddler in my own business :yep:
I'm in do I post on this thread or the entrepreneurial spirit thread?

Awesome! So glad you are on board....

This particular thread is just an FYI......The ES sticky is where we actually will post goals and actions.....

See you there!