Spiral Rollers (have you ever used these?)


New Member
I am just so full of questions today

Have you guys used these Spiral Rollers ?
And if so, are they like the blue and white ones meaning does it have the little hook at the end? Are they 'user friendly'
or will i b like
My hair is a few inches past shoulder and I want the curls to be very skinny, should I get the small ones or the large ones and break them apart?
BTW, my friend will be rolling them for me so I won't need shoulder surgery afterwards
TIA Ladies!
i don't know. i bought some a long time ago and couldn't figure them out, so i used the flexi rods instead.

on another note, when your friends hook you up, get them to take a picture of the rods, too. see how i always end up giving you an assignment?
I had them and they sucked. It was difficult to get the roller to hook onto your hair right and they snagged my hair if I remember correctly. I guess it takes practice but I don't have time for all that!
The flexi rods work much better. You can also achieve a similar look with the Caruso rollers.
Yeah, I've had those things for YEARS and they didn't work too well for me. If ya wanna try em, you are more than welcome to mine.
Thanks ladies. According to CCD she has the blue and white ones and she gave a very detailed instruction on how to hook them and roll them. Let me see if i can find that thread and bump it for you guys.
Dstdiva - i know whenever i c ur name, i've got homework 2 do

ETA: I bumped the thread... it's titled Spiral Rods and it was started by Bee. Good Luck Ladies. I'm going to purchase my rods and get the style for Friday night, i am going clubbing
I have them too but didin't have the patience to get them in without pulling my hair. Went back and bought flexi rods. I still have them, I think I'll let my stylist put them in for me one day.