Spiral curls


New Member
How do you maintain spiral curls, especially when putting your hair up at night?

Are there any products that make your curls last longer and leave the hair feeling soft and not crunchy?

What roller size do you use for lasting curls vs a loose wavy look?

Any tips on getting them to dry faster?

Thanks in advance
when my hair was your length, i would just sleep on my arm, hands, or face. my would last a week or two.
rods (flexi rods) for tighter curls
rollers for soft looser
smaller sizes of tighter curls
larger ones for looser

mediums are good because the curls don't drop as fast and you have more a stronger hold than the larger ones.

i would use pomades or oils to soften and give sheen.
i would use keracare wrap lotion or setting lotion. this product gives a more softer hold than other setting lotions. i would usually get mine from JC Penny. BB Wrap lotion in the pump is good too. you can get that at Walgreens.
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How do you maintain spiral curls, especially when putting your hair up at night?
I pincurl, then cover with a silk scarf and satin bonnet.

Are there any products that make your curls last longer and leave the hair feeling soft and not crunchy?
I cowash with a cheapie conditioner (VO5 or Suave), apply Giovanni Direct Leave-in, seal with a mixture of coconut oil and Proclaim serum, and set with plain water in a spray bottle. My sets last 7 days, even through my 3-4 workouts per week, until my next cowash.

What roller size do you use for lasting curls vs a loose wavy look?
3/4" - 1" sizes

Any tips on getting them to dry faster?
After setting, I set under a bonnet dryer for 45 minutes to 1 hour, then I finish airdying overnight.
I take a cluster of the spirals and spiral them around themselves then pin the end up on the top of my head. Then I'd tie on a scarf.
I use a half donut travel pillow, you know the ones I mean right? I don't cover the hair with anytthing. I put the travel pillow atop myu sleeping pillow which is covered in a satin pillow case. I then just lift the curls up underneath all of the way around and then just lay it over the travel pillow. It is great you can turn onto your side back etc. without damaging the curls. This way they can last up to two weeks.