SPINOFF: Why do men's hair grow faster than women??


New Member
Have anyone else ever noticed this? Could it be the low manipulation, simple regimen? I know my son's hair grew pretty fast once I started cutting it. I mean it grew like weeds. Same thing with my stepson. And if you look at his isters pics when she was younger...well, let's just say :look:

I think it's because men's hair are braided for 2 weeks at a time and left alone. I think this is a strong argument for those who are doing the low manipulation challenge, that it really does work. What do you guys think?
Because they leave it alone! They don't play in it, worry over, put all kinds of stuff in it, etc. They just let it grow. And get it cut frequently.
yea VERY low manipulation

also, is men's hair coarser than womens? maybe I don't feel their hair alot but it always looks sooo strong
StrawberryQueen said:
Because they leave it alone! They don't play in it, worry over, put all kinds of stuff in it, etc. They just let it grow. And get it cut frequently.

Yes, they leave it alone and to credit their gender, they don't experience as many hormonal changes that females go through, e.g., ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.
RelaxerRehab said:
Yes, they leave it alone and to credit their gender, they don't experience as many hormonal changes that females go through, e.g., ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.

ITA Honestly I never thought about the hormonal changes but I can see how this would affect hair growth. I agree with the low manipulation factor which is why I am thinking of braiding my hair for a few months and hiding it under a wig when it gets colder out.
Also in general men do not put as much heat and chemicals on their hair which aids to growth,
I don’t know if I believe their hair grows faster than women’s just since they usually keep it so short you can see the change clearer.
I think men leave their hair alone (less chemicals and styling), tend to wash/rinse more often, and get more exercise (better circulation).

Our hormones may also have something to do with it - many young women are slightly anemic because of aunt "flow".
Maybe we're paranoid: maybe our hair grows the same length... they just don't fuss over it and don't compain when they need a haircut :look:
i know my brothers friend who chopped off his hair about 2 monthw after me and is currently growing his hair back. So i asked him what he did. He told me he basically leaves it alone. tries to deep condition one a week . he also keeps it covered up in a wave cap. it isn't long enough for braids yet, but he
basically leaves it alone. He is catching up with me quickly. My problem is I can't leave my hair alone. My little boys have long hair that rivals most of the little girls their age. I just wash once a week. Grease their scalp and mil braids it up. My four year old has midback hair. 2 year old almost has armpit length hair.
There is a young man in my church would went from twa to thick, below shoulder cornrows in what seemed like less than 6 months.

His cornrows look rough (meaning he does not touch them up often) but they are strong and thick.

Most women worry about looking "cute" too much to walk around with fuzzy cornrows or braids.
I think they retain their length because they don't use blowdryers, flatirons and curling irons (most don't anyway):lol:
I think it's because they eat more protein than women. SO and Brother get together and eat lots of beef, chicken and fish more than anything else.
I was upset and told my honey that I hate that I have to trim my hair so often.

His response was "Why do you cut it , then. You cut mine once every 6 months and look at my ends. I don't worry about. Plus I don't do so much stuff to my hair." I was like :look: What was I to say to that.

He has long hair that he wears in a ponytail. If it is down, which is hardly ever, it is APL. He shampoos, conditions and airdrys every few days. He even co-washes, I recently found out. While it's wet, he applys a leave in spray.

To touch it up between shampoos he uses leave in and a brush.

In a years time, my hair has not moved, meanwhile I have cut his several times and it is still longer than it was a year ago. :look:

I am so doing something wrong here.
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I dont think their hair grows faster they are just better at retaining the length by not styling their hair often
Men's hair grows faster because they have more testosterone - same thing that gives them a beard, chest hair, and a deeper voice. Men who are 'chemically castrated' or who are taking estrogen in order to transition from externally male to female also lose a lot of their body hair/experience slower growing head hair because of the balance of hormones.

*LOL* If you REALLY want your hair to grow as fast as a man's there ARE testosterone supplements that you can take - but if you worried bout a lil biotin mustache, you might want to stay away from it. :lachen:
i dont think it grows an faster. i thought hair grew a certain amount per month. i didnt think that it meant womens hair only. i though the study to show how much hair grows per month was talking about hair in general, not just womens hair. if all of us wore a fade i'm sure we would be hitting the barbershop just as often as the men do.
nappywomyn said:
Men's hair grows faster because they have more testosterone - same thing that gives them a beard, chest hair, and a deeper voice. Men who are 'chemically castrated' or who are taking estrogen in order to transition from externally male to female also lose a lot of their body hair/experience slower growing head hair because of the balance of hormones.

*LOL* If you REALLY want your hair to grow as fast as a man's there ARE testosterone supplements that you can take - but if you worried bout a lil biotin mustache, you might want to stay away from it. :lachen:

ITA, all the guys in my family have long lashes, too.
nappywomyn said:
Men's hair grows faster because they have more testosterone - same thing that gives them a beard, chest hair, and a deeper voice. Men who are 'chemically castrated' or who are taking estrogen in order to transition from externally male to female also lose a lot of their body hair/experience slower growing head hair because of the balance of hormones.

*LOL* If you REALLY want your hair to grow as fast as a man's there ARE testosterone supplements that you can take - but if you worried bout a lil biotin mustache, you might want to stay away from it. :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: You're a mess!
nappywomyn said:
Men's hair grows faster because they have more testosterone - same thing that gives them a beard, chest hair, and a deeper voice. Men who are 'chemically castrated' or who are taking estrogen in order to transition from externally male to female also lose a lot of their body hair/experience slower growing head hair because of the balance of hormones.

*LOL* If you REALLY want your hair to grow as fast as a man's there ARE testosterone supplements that you can take - but if you worried bout a lil biotin mustache, you might want to stay away from it. :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: You're a mess!
nappywomyn said:
Men's hair grows faster because they have more testosterone - same thing that gives them a beard, chest hair, and a deeper voice. Men who are 'chemically castrated' or who are taking estrogen in order to transition from externally male to female also lose a lot of their body hair/experience slower growing head hair because of the balance of hormones.

*LOL* If you REALLY want your hair to grow as fast as a man's there ARE testosterone supplements that you can take - but if you worried bout a lil biotin mustache, you might want to stay away from it. :lachen:

This makes sense .... :grin:
Ok. My boyfriend has dark VERY curly spirals. I think he's a 3b or 3c. I swear ladies...all he does is wash it and condition it in the shower with Panteen Pro-V or Garnier Fructise. (he says he just likes the smell...men LOL) He only combs out the "tangles" as he calls it in the shower with the conditioner in it cause he finds it easier. After that..he brushes his hair back into a low ponytail. Now if he wants it straighten, I blow it out with the round brush. He does do conrows occasionally but keeps them in for only 2 weeks. Also at night...here comes the Do-Rag LOL..Its his BFF :lol:. His hair now..when stretched..is at his belly button :eek: ..Ladies can you say JEALOUS :mad:
Maybe it appears to grow faster because if their hair is cut close to their heads, then any minimal amount of growth will appear to be "rapidly appearing". Just like when shaving your legs. When you shave and they're bare, you have "new growth" after like two days, and you think "gosh, I wish the hair on my head grew like the hair on my legs, but in reality, the hair on your head probably does grow just as fast, but since the strands are much longer, the growth isn't as noticeable.