Spinoff: Who's set to make WL in 08??


New Member
So who here is positive they'll reach their goal of WL in 08? What do you plan to do to ensure this happens?

I'll go first. I am pretty sure (like 80% sure) that I will make WL by the end of 08. I plan on keeping a simple hair routine to make it there. I will be doing alot of bunning and that's basically it!

I also plan to incorporate a few vitamins come new year. This year I really slacked off on taking the vits. Some of the one's I'm looking into trying are Flaxseed oil, chlorophyll, B-vits, and silica. I'm also going to go back to GNC and get another bottle (or two :grin:) of GNC Ultra Nourishair.

I'm also just starting back on a good workout routine so I'm hoping that will help as well!
So who here is positive they'll reach their goal of WL in 08? What do you plan to do to ensure this happens?

I'll go first. I am pretty sure (like 80% sure) that I will make WL by the end of 08. I plan on keeping a simple hair routine to make it there. I will be doing alot of bunning and that's basically it!

I also plan to incorporate a few vitamins come new year. This year I really slacked off on taking the vits. Some of the one's I'm looking into trying are Flaxseed oil, chlorophyll, B-vits, and silica. I'm also going to go back to GNC and get another bottle (or two :grin:) of GNC Ultra Nourishair.

I'm also just starting back on a good workout routine so I'm hoping that will help as well!

I'm in I would not change my regimen but add some little extra.
Basically protective styles (weave, individuals with extensions and twist), multivits+flaxseed oil only, deep conditionners, protein treatments(light and heavy), no poo, clarifiant poo...
I should make it by, like, December 31, 2008, 11:59 p.m. :grin: as long as I don’t have any setbacks or second thoughts. I only need about 8-10 inches or so in the back.

I plan to just keep it cleaned, conditioned, and moisturized. Protective styles are also must. I don't use heat or anything, so I'll just keep that up. :)