Spinoff: When your destiny seems delayed


Well-Known Member
This job/career hunt that I posted about in an earlier thread has really been taking a toll on me lately. I've been praying myself and thanks to everyone who took the time to share encouraging words with me, but its still a difficult thing to deal with, when it feels like you can't see your way through your circumstance, and you have know idea what the next day is going to bring.

Lately I've been waking up with a very restless spirit b/c of everything going on, but this morning, I just said, "God please send me word! I just need to feel that you are still here. Give me a sign, b/c I don't feel you like I should"

I frequently listen to an online broadcast that someone one here recommended a while back, but today I just had to share it with somebody else who needs to hear that even though things aren't going according to YOUR plans and what you thought you were going to have accomplished at this point in your life, God is still in control, and it really is your faith that will carry you when your destiny seems delayed.

When destiny seems delayed pt.1

When destiny seems delayed conclusion

I hope this gives someone else the strength to hold on!
I have to check it too.because right now at 28 i feel that i should have come across that someone with whom i should have a family and it seems like that person is not coming even though i know God will let our ways cross one day in the near future.
It seems like a struggle every day, with life, love, school and job. It takes all I got most days to get out of bed to face the day. I really want to put my focus on finishing school so I can get a better paying job. On the out side people alsways tell me and lookj to me as if I have it together, but on the inside I am screaming for someone to help me orgainze my life.
I know how you ladies feel.