Spinoff: What's YOUR Brand?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Back in this thread we were discussing how "total package women" can avoid ending up alone. The tips offered by Dr. Tarrt were:

1.Position yourself around the men who have the qualities that you are looking for. Find the events where those men go.

2. Advertise what men are looking for. Advertise that you would make a great wife.

3. Know your brand.

4. Be confident.

Let's focus on #3 - KNOW YOUR BRAND.

What does it mean to "know your brand"?

Also, what is YOUR brand?

I'll start.

What does it mean to "know your brand"? I think "knowing your brand" is basically knowing what you're bringing to the table and how you comport yourself and making sure that those two things are in alignment.

To me, it also relates to the idea of "swimming in your own lane." For example, this past weekend I went to a social event and there was a middle-aged, white gentleman - complete and total nerd :nono: (And I say this as nerd myself :giggle:) He was wearing a t-shirt of a lame band that was tucked into these gym-looking short with white tube socks pulled up to his knees. He was balding and boring as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. But he was hitting on every 20 year old dime piece in the place. It was hilarious - he went from girl to girl. When one of them suddenly had to "go to the bathroom" he would just move onto the next, engaging them in such fascinating topics as the creation of NATO and changing weather patterns. :lol:

I'm serious y'all . . . it was soooo bad! I actually felt bad for him because clearly he did NOT know his brand. He should've been hitting on women his age who were more academics - not the hottie patotties at the bar.

What is YOUR brand? I think my brand is a mixture of an old-fashioned "church girl" who also knows how to laugh and have fun. A workin-with-what-you-got kinda girl who aspires to greater things and works towards them. Work hard/play hard busy bee. (I have no idea how attactive or alluring that is, though :look:)

Your turn! :yep:
Its funny you say this. Growing up, my dad used to tell me to aspire to be a pair of Allen Edmonds' shoes (its a men's leather goods maker). For men who are in the know, they're as good as they get. Not flashy, no logos. Just high quality materials that'll last you a lifetime (you send them back, they'll resole them or send you a new pair). Timeless yet fashionable. And I have been with my dad in business functions where every so often (once every 5 years) someone will ask "hey, are those Allen Edmonds". Here's where things get "weird": my SO only wears Allen Edmonds' shoes for work. That's IT. I texted Pops' the first time I saw SO's closet and he responded with a smile.

I agree with most of it what was said up above - you just have to be very careful about how you market your "good wife" material, because some men will take the goods without the wife, and others will be scared away by just how good of a wife you portend to be.

My brand. I guess you could say I'm aiming for Oliver Peoples'. Slightly quirky, smart (borderline geeky) with a bit of edge and class that'll last you a lifetime. They're not for everyone.
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My brand is like the high society women of the 1800s. Old fashion, stylish, smart, believe in family and God. Quirky...(Star Trek/Transformer fan over here). But yet fun-loving and honest to a T. Plus other stuff....
Its funny you say this. My dad used to tell me to aspire to be a pair of Allen Edmonds' shoes (its a men's leather goods maker). For men who are in the know, they're as good as they get. Not flashy, no logos. High quality materials. Life time guarantee (you send them back, they'll resole them or send you a new pair). Timeless yet fashionable. And I have been with my dad in business functions where every so often (once every 5 years) someone will ask "hey, are those Allen Edmonds". Here's where things get "weird": my SO only wears Allen Edmonds shoes for work. That's IT. I texted Pops' the first time I say SO's closet.

I agree with most of it what was said up above - you just have to be very careful about how you market your "good wife" material, because some men will take the goods without the wife, and others will be scared away by the signals you send.

My brand. I guess you could say I'm aiming for Oliver Peoples'. Slightly quirky, smart (borderline geeky) with a bit of edge and class that'll last you a lifetime.

what a great coincidence. lucky you!
High maintenance but down to earth. Intimidating, but when approached, I am easy to talk to. Old fashioned church girl.
Hmm, interesting question. My brand is eclectic. A bit neo-soul, intellectual, serious about God, witty/humorous/goofy and adventurous. I appear quiet/shy, but am not.

I think the strongest vibe I give off is being a quiet intellectual. Once people get to know me then they see all the other stuff (the humor seems to be the most surprising for many).
I think my brand is smart, witty, fun and sexy.

Which is cool, I love me and my personality, but I'm starting to realize it doesn't really scream wife material. I need to start investing more into my cooking/domestic/nurturing side... which is definitely there, I just kinda put it on the back burner over the last couple of years. I was talking to a friend last night and he told me that my problem is that I don't let guys know that I can cook, and if I did, I would start racking up proposals.

Of course its a little deeper than that, but I do get the point he was making. :lol;
I think my brand is smart, witty, fun and sexy.

Which is cool, I love me and my personality, but I'm starting to realize it doesn't really scream wife material. I need to start investing more into my cooking/domestic/nurturing side... which is definitely there, I just kinda put it on the back burner over the last couple of years. I was talking to a friend last night and he told me that my problem is that I don't let guys know that I can cook, and if I did, I would start racking up proposals.

Of course its a little deeper than that, but I do get the point he was making. :lol;
Ditto. I'm wicked smart, unencumbered, witty, fun, flirty, a little devilish, cultured, well-connected, and kittenish...a young Diana Vreeland who hit the lottery and bypassed that whole ""jolie/laide" thing. I attract the specific type of man that I want to attract, but am ready to evolve from being the delicious cupcake to a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.
I'm not sure what my brand is, to be honest:ohwell:
And maybe it is that I don't like the brand that some people assume I am of, and that brand is the nurturing/domestic one.
I attract womanizers who want to start wanting to settle down... or maybe all men are womanizers, I don't know:ohwell:

I tell men about my cooking often, but not as a "look! I can be a wife!" tactic, mostly because I'm excited about the things I'm experimenting on, and during conversation I just happen to bring it up. Usually, though, their response is intrigue and confessions that "this is great information to know for the future" as well as attempts to invite themselves to my place to try my food, which I NEVER allow. Little do they know, I have only cooked for one man, and it took a whole lot for me to do that.

I hate that my zodiac sign says describes me as a nurturer. I think that, outside of marriage (and even within it), this is a quality that some men either prey on or fail to fully appreciate.

My brand is a little all over the place. I am quirky, very intelligent, down-to-earth, and somewhat nurturing, bookwormish. I fly under the radar, personality-wise, but attract the attention of many outgoing/womanizing/bad-boyish/sociable men.

I guess the positive term for that is that I might seem "elusive," mostly because I am (initially) quiet. The guys I attract have often stated that given my looks, they didn't expect me to have the type of personality that I have... that they'd expect a more self-centered attitude, less sweetness :lol:, and more flashiness. I'm more "understated."

In my opinion, being understated is good... but I have concerns for what it means long-term. Anyway, I am working on developing my outdoorsy, artsy, adventurous, and more opinionated sides. I want to develop a feistier side to me.
I think my brand is smart, witty, fun and sexy.

Which is cool, I love me and my personality, but I'm starting to realize it doesn't really scream wife material. I need to start investing more into my cooking/domestic/nurturing side... which is definitely there, I just kinda put it on the back burner over the last couple of years. I was talking to a friend last night and he told me that my problem is that I don't let guys know that I can cook, and if I did, I would start racking up proposals.

Of course its a little deeper than that, but I do get the point he was making. :lol;

@ bolded: A friend of mine made a similar comment the other day when I mentioned that I crocheted my ex a scarf for Christmas. He was like, "And you're not together anymore?!?!? If a girl did that for me, that would put her up a level."
I'm not sure what my brand is, to be honest:ohwell:
And maybe it is that I don't like the brand that some people assume I am of, and that brand is the nurturing/domestic one.

I attract womanizers who want to start wanting to settle down... or maybe all men are womanizers, I don't know:ohwell:

This is me. I kinda understand why I get these type of guys, though. I'm conservative by all appearances.

I think people assume certain things about me. No matter what they assume, they get shocked when I show them another side.

I think my brand is the nice girl who is constantly surprising, in a good way.
This is me. I kinda understand why I get these type of guys, though. I'm conservative by all appearances.

I think people assume certain things about me. No matter what they assume, they get shocked when I show them another side.

I think my brand is the nice girl who is constantly surprising, in a good way.

Nice way to put it, greight: nice girl who is constantly surprising, in a good way.

I think that's the same for me.

I'd really be curious what men consider our (all of us) brand to be... and compare our thoughts and theirs.
Nice way to put it, @greight: nice girl who is constantly surprising, in a good way.

I think that's the same for me.

I'd really be curious what men consider our (all of us) brand to be... and compare our thoughts and theirs.


This is what most men say to me when they get to know me. It's always something along the lines of:

"You are so surprising."
"I never thought you ------ ."
"You are such a cool person."
"I never expected...."

At first, I got a little defensive since whatever they thought about me at first glance was probably not flattering :perplexed:lol:.

But then I realized it is a good thing to be somewhat mysterious and surprising. Keeps them on their toes :yep:.

And the not so flattering things that made me appealing was that I seemed serious, conservative, but a really nice girl (if not tightly wound :lol:).

This is why I think womanizing, but "reformed" men are attracted to me. I seem like the opposite of what they are used to, and then they realize that I'm not a stick in the mud so it makes them feel more comfortable.

I feel that I'm accurate about this perception. Even the last few guys that I've dated had stated: "I'm looking to settle down" or "you hide a lot behind those glasses" or "I've changed since my days in college," etc etc etc.

If they don't want to date me, they stay giving me advice about staying away from trifling men.