Spinoff to Enjoying Hair: How Do You Get Over The Fear...


New Member
of wearing you hair down/flatironed/free of protective styles? This may seem stupid to some people but it is a genuine concern for me.

After I read that thread I decided that I am going to wear my hair down for a get together with some of my friend girls from highschool. I have been in protective styles for about 3 mos now and I planned to keep going for another 3 mos, but now thanks to that thread I plan to break out:D .

But now I am over here second guessing myself-It's too cold outside for my poor strands, what if it snags on my purse, what if it looks really short and I dissapoint myself (my biggest threat right now), what if it breaks off.. and the list goes on and on.

How do you get over your fear and use heat or wear your hair down after being in protective styles or refraining from heat?
LocksOfLuV said:
of wearing you hair down/flatironed/free of protective styles? This may seem stupid to some people but it is a genuine concern for me.

After I read that thread I decided that I am going to wear my hair down for a get together with some of my friend girls from highschool. I have been in protective styles for about 3 mos now and I planned to keep going for another 3 mos, but now thanks to that thread I plan to break out:D .

But now I am over here second guessing myself-It's too cold outside for my poor strands, what if it snags on my purse, what if it looks really short and I dissapoint myself (my biggest threat right now), what if it breaks off.. and the list goes on and on.

How do you get over your fear and use heat or wear your hair down after being in protective styles or refraining from heat?

Normally the only time I style my hair is after a relaxer.

But, I had to wear it down for Thanksgiving (which was about 10 days after my relaxer). I styled it. I did feel like more than I wanted broke off while flatironing, but I lived through it. Just think. If you wear it out, you'll have a picture to show where your hair was at this time, and when you update your album (if you have one), you can reflect on how far you've come. On the other hand, if you only wear protective styles and never photograph your hair growth, you won't have progress pics :)

See. There really is a silver lining in every cloud :) :) :lol:
cocoberry10 said:
Normally the only time I style my hair is after a relaxer.

But, I had to wear it down for Thanksgiving (which was about 10 days after my relaxer). I styled it. I did feel like more than I wanted broke off while flatironing, but I lived through it. Just think. If you wear it out, you'll have a picture to show where your hair was at this time, and when you update your album (if you have one), you can reflect on how far you've come. On the other hand, if you only wear protective styles and never photograph your hair growth, you won't have progress pics :)

See. There really is a silver lining in every cloud :) :) :lol:

Thank you! See I actually thought about that, and thought "what if there is no progress" I need to just get over it!:lol:
Yea i understand how easy it is to get wrapped up into trying to keep every single strand of hair on your head. But i always remember this, just as it's impossible for a person with damaged hair to apply conditioners and instantly heal her hair in 1 week. the same applies the other way around...if u have healthy hair, it's impossible to damage it upon repair just from 1 flatiron or straightening or whatever. So if u have the habit of taking care of your hair, then blowing or flatironing it once a month or so wont kill it...

hope that makes u feel better...
for me, i can't really say i ever developed a fear of wearing my hair out... the only thing that concerned me was hearing/feeling my hair getting caught on the back of one of my jackets (for some reason that one fleece jacket loves attaching to my hair)... i just make sure if i wear my hair out (which is probably 80% of the time now), to pamper it that evening... alleviates any "hair guilt" that may creep up.. :grin:
SqrpioQutie said:
for me, i can't really say i ever developed a fear of wearing my hair out... the only thing that concerned me was hearing/feeling my hair getting caught on the back of one of my jackets (for some reason that one fleece jacket loves attaching to my hair)... i just make sure if i wear my hair out (which is probably 80% of the time now), to pamper it that evening... alleviates any "hair guilt" that may creep up.. :grin:

*sneaking in off topic -SQ - u gotz some purty hair :) *

*tipping back out*
MonaLisa said:
*sneaking in off topic -SQ - u gotz some purty hair :) *

*tipping back out*

:blush: :grin: thank youuuuuuuuuu!!

another thought i had - another way to get over the fear of unprotecting your hair is to wear it in a totally new style... that way, instead of worrying about the nonprotectiveness of it, you're just concentrating on the new look... a diversion of sorts... lol
This is perfect....I have this same phobia. REALLY! It has turned into a nervous habit I just can't wear my hair down until I achieve the length I want. I have been bunning and wearing updos all year. It feels so un natural to wear my hair down.
SqrpioQutie said:
for me, i can't really say i ever developed a fear of wearing my hair out... the only thing that concerned me was hearing/feeling my hair getting caught on the back of one of my jackets (for some reason that one fleece jacket loves attaching to my hair)... i just make sure if i wear my hair out (which is probably 80% of the time now), to pamper it that evening... alleviates any "hair guilt" that may creep up.. :grin:

This is sooooo me!:lol:

I originally started wearing my hair up because my babies liked to pull it, eat it, twist it, ect...

Now when I wear it down I'm very conscious of how it seems to get caught on all sorts of stuff, and how small children can't seem to stop touching it:look:

Extra care at night does help. I'll make sure to moisturize and apply a healthy amount of butter before tucking it back up into bun.
I understand what you mean because if I hear a stand of hair snap, then all hell breaks lose in my mind because I strive for zero breakage.
Mizani_Mrs said:
Yea i understand how easy it is to get wrapped up into trying to keep every single strand of hair on your head. But i always remember this, just as it's impossible for a person with damaged hair to apply conditioners and instantly heal her hair in 1 week. the same applies the other way around...if u have healthy hair, it's impossible to damage it upon repair just from 1 flatiron or straightening or whatever. So if u have the habit of taking care of your hair, then blowing or flatironing it once a month or so wont kill it...

hope that makes u feel better...

ITA with this. I flat ironed my hair a couple of months ago and after 3 days I put it back in a bun. I didnt get to enjoy it cuz i was so worried about breakage. But I already took the initiative to flat iron it so I should have left it straight longer. Im going away for a week and plan on flat ironing my hair. Im only packing a few prodcuts oil, serum, moisturizer so I wont be tempted to wash it. LOL Im gonna enjoy it damn it. :)
Mizani_Mrs said:
Yea i understand how easy it is to get wrapped up into trying to keep every single strand of hair on your head. But i always remember this, just as it's impossible for a person with damaged hair to apply conditioners and instantly heal her hair in 1 week. the same applies the other way around...if u have healthy hair, it's impossible to damage it upon repair just from 1 flatiron or straightening or whatever. So if u have the habit of taking care of your hair, then blowing or flatironing it once a month or so wont kill it...

hope that makes u feel better...

You ain't NEVER lied!!
yeah when I wore my hair out that one weekend after my relaxer (avatar) all I could think about was my shoulder length hair rubbing against my clothes. The thought of it STILL makes me cringe! I like to wear it out now for the simple fact that I actually have a lil somethin somethin to work with, but hate the fact that I could be damaging it in any way. My precious :perplexed
For me, once I got past shoulder length breakage wasn't a problem.

I wore my hair up, protective styles for over a year, and after the stylist cut 5 inches in Sept. I decide I would enjoy my hair. It hasn't looked better. It's conditioned and healthy and I wear it down and loose almost daily.
I have this same problem....it is soo weird.. i can only wear my hair down for1ihr or less at a time before i just cant take the weird unnatural feeling anymore, and i put pack in a bun.. it is like i feel like my ends are splitting or getting damaged by being down and touching my clothes.. i cant wear my hair down at all anymore and it feels soo weird!!
princezz said:
I have this same problem....it is soo weird.. i can only wear my hair down for1ihr or less at a time before i just cant take the weird unnatural feeling anymore, and i put pack in a bun.. it is like i feel like my ends are splitting or getting damaged by being down and touching my clothes.. i cant wear my hair down at all anymore and it feels soo weird!!

Your hair is so pretty.
I posted a thread similar to this, I am sooooo afraid to flat iron my hair. I never wear it out but I will get over this:)
When my hair is down, I hold my head really stiff like I'm wearing a neck brace. That way my ends don't rub against my clothes. I also try to wear a shirt made out of silky material. I also put a silk scarf over the head rest of my car seat. I know...I need help.
I started out by loving and accepting my hair no matter what. I never had fear about wearing my hair down. Fear only holds us back and keeps us from enjoying our hair.

I learned to airdry, make buns, updos and braidouts on this board--all without heat for the first time in my life. The worst that could happen wearing my hair down in a braidout would be it just didn't look good. The good news was if it didn't look right, I already learned how to quickly make a nice ponytail, bun or other updo out of it and do it better next time. I just concentrate on "expecting the best" when it came to my hair. I practiced and practiced until all of my styles looked very good consistently. Then I would move on to another style like I'm doing now with my rollersets.

Keeping this journey fun and joyful and focusing on what we want is the key rather than worrying about our hair and what could go wrong:) .
i don't wear protective styles so that's not a problem for me. i'm not afraid of wearing my hair down but i've thought about wearing silk shirts instead of my regular cotton ones.