SPINOFF: so exactly what is "cheating"?


New Member
I had this discussion with some coworkers today...and everyone defined cheating in their own way.

Is kissing someone other than your SO cheating? Is copping a feel? How about other "acts" that don't include going all the way? Or do you have to sleep with someone else for it to be considered real cheating?

Ladies, what do you think? :look:
If you have to ask if a particular act is cheating the answer is probably, "don't do it". :look:

Personally, I live my life by a I won't do anything with a man that I wouldn't do if my man was standing right there watching everything.

This keeps me out of a heap of trouble. :yep:
I think cheating is exactly as the word implies... it is cheating your partner out of something. You are giving what is meant for them to someone else. It isn't always physical. You can develop feelings for someone else without ever having any physical contact, and you are innevitabley going to take away from your relationship, whether by growing distant, withholding the physical aspect, or resenting your partner for lacking what the other may encompass.

Cheating is betraying trust. Trust is knowing someone has a defined promise from you and you to them, in regards to some pre defined behaviours and expectations. And its believing neither of you will go against that promise.

You dont have to have sex to cheat -to even talk at an intimate level with someone other than your partner is cheating. Because you are betraying their trust in you that wouldnt or shouldnt be doing that with anyone else but them.

Cheating is doing anything you wouldn't want your SO to find out about. If you wouldn't do it in front of them, don't do it!:nono:
I had this discussion with some coworkers today...and everyone defined cheating in their own way.

Is kissing someone other than your SO cheating? Is copping a feel? How about other "acts" that don't include going all the way? Or do you have to sleep with someone else for it to be considered real cheating?

Ladies, what do you think? :look:

I think it's longing for another person outside of your spouse to fulfill a said need.
If you have to ask if a particular act is cheating the answer is probably, "don't do it". :look:

Personally, I live my life by a I won't do anything with a man that I wouldn't do if my man was standing right there watching everything.

This keeps me out of a heap of trouble. :yep:

Wow - I like your motto!

Some people consider "faithfulness" as how much can I get way with before getting caught --instead of not putting themselves in a comprising situation to begin with.

No one clothes just fall off and they start humping a stranger:blush: - there are always decisions and steps that each person makes along the way to lead up to cheating.

Cheating can be physical, emotional and even virtual now with all online sites.
In my relationship, cheating would be breaking a promise that we made to one another regarding our conduct with other people. We've been clear about what is okay and what would make us upset or uncomfortable. So, we never have to wonder.
Wow - I like your motto!

Some people consider "faithfulness" as how much can I get way with before getting caught --instead of not putting themselves in a comprising situation to begin with.

No one clothes just fall off and they start humping a stranger:blush: - there are always decisions and steps that each person makes along the way to lead up to cheating.

Cheating can be physical, emotional and even virtual now with all online sites.

Got it from my daddy. He always told me when I was at a friend's house or if they were out of town (during my teenage years) that I ought to always act like he was standing right there. He said it so often he brainwashed me. :ohwell:
Is going to lunch with somebody cheating? :look: I got an invite the other day and IDK if I should accept.

I don't think so, but I would make sure that the guy doesn't think its a date or anything of that nature. I have male friends and I have gone to lunch or dinner with them, I tell my SO and he's mad, but I've had these friends way before him.
I agree with the responses but it seems like they mostly define the physical aspects of cheating.

IMO, the emotional cheating is much more hurtful than physical eventhough my clothes aren't off and we are not physically touching. Shoot, you can cheat over the phone.
Cheating to me is any type of intimate relationship that not with your SO.

I agree with audacious1.

BMF I would classify that as cheating.
Cheating to me is any type of intimate relationship that not with your SO.

I agree with audacious1.

BMF I would classify that as cheating.

You think going out to lunch is cheating? If so, maybe thats why my SO was so angry about it...:sad:
You think going out to lunch is cheating? If so, maybe thats why my SO was so angry about it...:sad:

I don't think going to lunch is cheating, but you have to make sure the other person understands that it is just lunch and not a "date".