Well-Known Member
This is simply a thread to say:
Both me and my HAIR could never THANK YOU enough

Ladies, I've seen a few members build a thread to thank just a few of the most influential members on LHCF (and really this includes youtubers) THAT everyone has felt deserved extra appreciation

now I would like for EVERYONE to have a chance show special appreciation to the top 3 (no more than 5) ladies that have helped you the most in your hair journey

I KNOW ALLLLLL THE TIMES YOU ANSWER THE SAME QUESTIONS OVER, & OVER .... can be frustrating to say the least, but from the bottom of my heart WE THANK YOU

Some may or may not currently be active members/posters..... but I've noticed certain MEMBERS who are always willing, repeatedly, and consistently to give advice, help and recommendations

PLEASE LET'S SEND A SPECIAL THANK-YOU's & Blessings their way!
ex: MY HAIR (health, or body) could never thank:
1- ____________- for ALWAYS leading a great example & a positive environment!
2- _________ for ALWAYS being entertaining, uplifting
3- __________ for ALWAYS willing to go above & beyond to help
4- ___________ ALWAYS gives the best/most informative advice
5- ____________ for being my best overall healthy hair & lifestyle idol ......my go to girl!

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