Spinoff: Lifetime Celibacy


Well-Known Member
Do you believe it’s possible? After reading all these threads on celibacy, I wanted to discuss this. I know it’s physically possible, and Paul discussed it. But do you all think God expects it realistically (I guess we already know the answer). I say this in lieu of all the sex issues of those that chose professions that involved lifetime celibacy. And also, do you believe that someone that chose lifetime celibacy would go CRAZY?:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :cry3: :nuts: :nuts: :cry2: :angeldevi
LOL at all your smilies, Coco! :lol:

I believe that lifetime celibacy is both a choice and a gift. I was just reading in Matthew where Jesus was talking to His disciples in response to a question Peter had about marriage. Peter was trying to say that it was better for all followers to remain unwed, and Jesus did not agree. It seems that celibacy is advisable when someone is called to it (has the gift of celibacy) or deliberately chooses it in order to devote their life's energies to God. Wait, let me run downstairs and look it up. Hold on.

Okay, thanks for waiting! :)

It was Matthew 19:10-11. I think that people can be celibate if they rely on God. It's too hard to do it on one's own strength unless they are asexual, since there are some people who have no sexual desires at all (few and far between, though). I think that the extent to which a person goes crazy is dependent upon how much or how little they rely on God for strength to resist temptation. I have never had sex and even for me, it's a struggle to be pure in my thoughts (just keeping it real). The only way anyone can do it is by being committed to God and to openness with other Christians about the struggles entailed in a lifetime devoted to God and, consequently, His commands about sex. These are just my thoughts. I think that this thread came right on time because I was kind of just wondering this myself!
cocoberry10 said:
Do you believe it’s possible? After reading all these threads on celibacy, I wanted to discuss this. I know it’s physically possible, and Paul discussed it. But do you all think God expects it realistically (I guess we already know the answer). I say this in lieu of all the sex issues of those that chose professions that involved lifetime celibacy. And also, do you believe that someone that chose lifetime celibacy would go CRAZY?:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :cry3: :nuts: :nuts: :cry2: :angeldevi
For those who can handle lifetime celibacy, Hallelujah do ya thang!! For others, 1 Corinthians 7:9 tells us that it is better to marry than to burn.
naijamerican said:
LOL at all your smilies, Coco! :lol:

I believe that lifetime celibacy is both a choice and a gift. I was just reading in Matthew where Jesus was talking to His disciples in response to a question Peter had about marriage. Peter was trying to say that it was better for all followers to remain unwed, and Jesus did not agree. It seems that celibacy is advisable when someone is called to it (has the gift of celibacy) or deliberately chooses it in order to devote their life's energies to God. Wait, let me run downstairs and look it up. Hold on.

Okay, thanks for waiting! :)

It was Matthew 19:10-11. I think that people can be celibate if they rely on God. It's too hard to do it on one's own strength unless they are asexual, since there are some people who have no sexual desires at all (few and far between, though). I think that the extent to which a person goes crazy is dependent upon how much or how little they rely on God for strength to resist temptation. I have never had sex and even for me, it's a struggle to be pure in my thoughts (just keeping it real). The only way anyone can do it is by being committed to God and to openness with other Christians about the struggles entailed in a lifetime devoted to God and, consequently, His commands about sex. These are just my thoughts. I think that this thread came right on time because I was kind of just wondering this myself!

I'm in the same position as you. I totally agree with what you are saying.
Trini"T" said:
For those who can handle lifetime celibacy, Hallelujah do ya thang!! For others, 1 Corinthians 7:9 tells us that it is better to marry than to burn.

Thanks for this response!