Spinoff: Just for Me Mom's Blog (WTF!!!)


New Member
You wont believe this mess! http://sunflower-mom.blogspot.com/
I think we should post all the information we know about hair on her blog...so those misguided moms of bi/multiracial/curly hair kids know the real deal! She and the hair company are only trying to sell a product!

Damn, I'm mad. Here's a sample of one of her blogs: Tuesday, December 19, 2006
"Nappy Hair??"

Hello everyone!!

Well, it is pretty late so I am going to make this short and sweet! I just thought this was kind of ironic. My daughter was shooting a movie this weekend and she plays a character named Camilla. Well, she lives with her dad (who is single). So, needless to say, her character isn't too well taken care of by her father. She pretty much dresses herself as well as doing her own hair.

So, here comes the ironic part...The producer of the movie said that her hair was too perfect. He had the hair dresser "nap it up"!! Her hair was all over the place!! It's funny, because we work so hard to try and get it looking good and he wants it nappy. My daughter about died!! She didn't like what they did...but of coarse, it was just for the movie so she didn't worry about it too much. The producer even made the comment that when they shoot her morning scene, he wants it even nappier!!!

Every time she passed by him, he kept on fluffing her hair up on the top and making it really wild! HE LOVED IT!!! She did not!!! As soon as we wrapped for the day, she wanted me to put her hair up immediately!!

It seems that no matter where we go or what we are doing...it is all about the hair!

I will write more later...just wanted to share this. I thought it was fitting!

Until Next Time,
"Sunflower Mom"

posted by Kim @ 10:43 PM
tammiematthews said:
I think we should post all the information we know about hair on her blog...so those misguided moms of bi/multiracial/curly hair kids know the real deal! She and the hair company are only trying to sell a product!

I like that idea. I was just reading her other parts of her blog from the other thread a few minutes ago. SMH :perplexed.
This is truely quite sad. Oh well. You know the real deal is that many people, ethnic and otherwise feel that natural black hair is "nappy" or nasty, or undesirable. I just hope that one day these folks learn to embrace our differences and love them, not tear them down no matter how much money they are getting. I CHOOSE NOT to sell out to thoes sterotypes. That's just sad.
Bringing this thread BACK FROM THE DEAD!

I find her posts laughable, just blatant product placement.

I mean, I am sitting here with type 4a-infinity and apparently my hair should be the most difficult to handle, nappiest ish in the universe, right? I don't know the hairtype of the girl before her RELAXER, but I'm sure it wasn't near my hairtype. I mean, her hair looks gorgeous, and I'm sure Sunflower Mom is definitely caring for her daughter's hair, but I'm just afraid that these girls will grow up with a complex against their natural textures because their mothers have type 1 hair and treat their daughters hair as if it's something that must be tamed with chemicals. :nono:

Some of the comments made on her blog were just "ignorant" point blank.
It's just ignorance. Some people just need to be informed/educated on such things.


Red Riot, is that your hair in your avatar? I love it! Great curlies :up:
It just an opinon...
a hair style if he likes it I loved it if she don't like it I love it!
Still a very good product in my opinon it all depends on how you WANT to style your hair. Keep on product pushin Sunflower Mom.:grin:
I like that idea. I was just reading her other parts of her blog from the other thread a few minutes ago. SMH :perplexed.

They won't post your comments...this was acutally an idea raised by members of nappturality and any comments that suggest that hair can be taken care of without a chemical is shot down. We were reminded that this blog is to support a product.

I think what really irritates me is that a lot of these women (many of whom are white) definitely act like they are the first women to ever give birth to biracial children:wallbash:...I mean, black women have been the mothers of biracial children for literally a hundred years.
"Well, while my mom was trying to control the frizzies, my mother-in-law, who is African American, would send her home with greased up hair parted into 5 different sections with pony tails everywhere!"

IA that the blog is suspect. I don't think most of the women realize this lady is getting paid to say all that stuff. I think her daughter is an aspiring actress. To top it off she is giving bad advice. She applies the text to the girl's entire head for what we would call a touch up. She is quick to put in the disclaimers that this is what works for her daughter's hair and texture. Somebody's child is going to end up bald headed taking her advice.:nono:

Anywho, we got black people putting perms in 2 year old's head because "black hair is so hard to manage" so I'm not suprised. Just4me realized they have a market (white mom's trying to figure out black hair) and they are going for it.
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I found this exchange interesting. It's from the comments section:

Anonymous said... I have a lot to say so please bear with me. I used this product on my hair. I've been natural for 5 yrs and I'm glad I quit relaxing my hair, there's more freedom and more versatility on styles that i could do. Not only that, i feel and look different, everyone loves the natural look. The reason i tried this product was because i wanted to be able to comb my hair with ease-- now i know that natural hair was not design to be combed dry but wet or with a detangler conditioner. Anyways the product was applied to my hair concentrating on the roots and combing through to the ends. when i washed out my hair, my hair was still thick, still frizzy, but with noticeable curls that fell down to my shoulders, not into a fro. I was so excited. As the days went by i noticed that it was easier to straighten my hair and comb. The only thing was that my roots were straight and my ends were curly. It may sound cool but here's the problem... with my ends being curly i can't comb my hair unless i do my no-shampoo method (check out Motowngirl.com), but the roots (being straight now) could not take all the wetness and conditioner the way my natural curls can. So you could imagine i'm at a dilemma. What i'm trying to say is this product does exactly what it says it does, however the company fails to tell you that this is a very weak version of a relaxer. This product has all of the ingredients of a relaxer except the sunflower oil. African-American hair is beautiful without this chemical product (that did began to burn my head). And Mixed-Heritage hair is equally beautiful and exotic.
The reason why our hair are so hard to comb is because we're approaching curly, thick hair the same way we approach silky, straight hair and that's our problem. This product may be the answer for those women who do not understand their hair type, but not for those who are trying to sustain their nappturality. Buyer beware because this product is permanent and it is a form of relaxer. The sunflower girl is beautiful with her new hair texture, but she was just as beautiful before, actually i prefer her hair without it cause it looked more voluminized and it was adorable on her. it showed that she did not have to put chemicals in her hair to look beautful.
Sunflower mom, all you had to do was put conditioner in her hair and gently comb it out, starting at the ends and working your way to the roots, with a wide tooth comb, rinse it out and apply a leave-in conditioner. Curly hair loves moisture and water is the best and most natural moisturizer. Afterwards, apply a no-frizz serum or cream for curly hair and allow to air-dry. In no time her hair would be gorgeous, frizz-free, and with curls that's full of body. But we live and learn.
11:32 PM

Moderator here. In response to the above comment, I asked our hair care Expert to offer her advice. It seems this blogger hit on a few key concerns several of you have expressed:

"There are a few issues here:

1. The reason your hair did not turn out as planned is because the Texture Softener should not be applied to the roots. Concentrating on the roots is what you would do when applying a relaxer. Not so with the Texture Softener -- there is a completely different application technique involved with this hair care system. I encourage you to visit www.texturesoftener.com to view the step-by-step instructional video.

2. Texture Softener is not meant to change the natural beauty of the hair. Brenna is a beautiful person, and so are you, no matter what her hair is like. In fact, Sunflower Mom has mentioned repeatedly in her blogs that she uses the hair system for MANAGEABILITY. As you mentioned, your hair became easier to comb as a result of using the system. That is exactly the point: making life a little easier.

3. You're correct: the key to maintaining curly hair is moisture. Curly hair follicles restrict the flow of natural oil to the scalp, which causes dryness. The Sunflower Oil Formula in the Texture Softener system is a key component because the hair follicle below the scalp remains the same and therefore requires moisture and oils with use of the Texture Softener.

I hope this helps. If applied the appropriate way, the Texture Softener will surely provide you with results you can smile about."

10:29 AM

When you go to the website FAQs, it specifically says to apply to new hair growth (isn't that the same as roots) every 10-12 weeks. I feel sorry for the moms actually following these people's advice.
IA that the blog is suspect. I don't think most of the women realize this lady is getting paid to say all that stuff. I think her daughter is an aspiring actress. To top it off she is giving bad advice. She applies the text to the girl's entire head for what we would call a touch up. She is quick to put in the disclaimers that this is what works for her daughter's hair and texture. Somebody's child is going to end up bald headed taking her advice.:nono:

Anywho, we got black people putting perms in 2 year old's head because "black hair is so hard to manage" so I'm not suprised. Just4me realized they have a market (white mom's trying to figure out black hair) and they are going for it.

I was thinking the same thing, we are no better. But I think the difference is that, as a race, we all realize that we have issues with our hair, and have had issues for a long time. I mean, my mother was so quick to throw a chemical into my hair...but then I looked at her hair...and I saw the same thing, relaxers and texturizers are both chemical forms of making our hair more manageable and versatile.

However, when I look at some (definitely not all) of these mothers who seem clueless about the attitudes we have about our hair, but automatically assume that if the hair isn't type 1 or even 2...it's going to be unmanageable. The lady is here to sell a product, so I don't know what all she's tried on her daughter's hair, but it's as if the message is: (White) Mothers of Biracial Children, do not be afraid of dealing with the dreaded kinky afro hair, we have a product here that will solve all your problems! And if these ladies are clueless about what a Relaxer really is, they are thinking that this is some sort of miracle product. I think not.

BUT, I do commend these mothers on at least trying to maintain the natural curl and beauty of their daughter's hair. I see too many little black girls running around with overprocessed, bone straight hair:nono:.
This is truely quite sad. Oh well. You know the real deal is that many people, ethnic and otherwise feel that natural black hair is "nappy" or nasty, or undesirable. I just hope that one day these folks learn to embrace our differences and love them, not tear them down no matter how much money they are getting. I CHOOSE NOT to sell out to thoes sterotypes. That's just sad.

ITA! i know some white women with br-racial children and the way they talk about their hair is sad. makes me wonder how come the father's arent setting the record straight.

one women went so far to say that she thoough braids were gross looking and ponytails with the ends braided look like "do-doo": (her words exactly). she thinks our natural hair is ugly and would always try to have her daughter's wear their hair in ways that was impossible for their hair texture to do unless you use heat or a relaxer.

after she said that she though black textured hair her in-laws stopped doing her kids hair and just stayed at a distance.
Hmmm i promised myself i want going to comment on anymore controversial threads.... but i cant help myself!! I know. I dont understand why they don't either find out how to do their biracial or black ( if they adopt) kids' hair from somebody. "nappy it up" "grease it up"? what is this woman talkin about? doo doo? What exactly is "nappied and greased up"? Some one should be offended and should post to that lady "white is not right" if you can't manage it, you cant manage it and you need a "texture softener" aka watered down relaxer. that's cool but don't go offending millions of people by refering to a natural hair texture in a demeaning fashion. She needs to take one of them culture sensitivity training courses big corporations offer. I have a bi-racial daughter and her hair is very curly, frizzy, tangled all types of stuff. It's called a comb, water, curl activator, gel, whatever works. I bet I could've done the same thing that "texture softener" did to that girls hair with some grease/gel a wide tooth comb a brush and some water she needs to stop tryin to sell something she dont know nothing about. that's like me trying to sell kosher food to jews or something I have NO idea. Oh yeah and a while back my mother had this lesbian couple who adopted a black little girl. you know i was happy they adopted ehr because she wasnt a baby and at that age and being black and having developmental disabilities she probably want going to get adopted if it wasnt for them but they did not know what to do with her hair so they just cut all her hair off the little girl was bald. I was likt that's a da** shame!!