SPINOFF: Indian Shampoo Bars vs. Baking Soda

Traditional Shampoo vs. Baking Soda

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I tried the powder as shampoos and HATED IT! So before I go buy something else like these so adored bars...why is it really that the bars are sooo good?

Is it really that the traditional shampoos with SLS and harsh ingredients are just not good and always be drying no matter how much prepooing is done?

Do you think the baking soda method would produce the same results as the bars?

Or do you think the herbs really play a part in the wow effect from the bars?
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Yay, my first post!

I never tried Indian shampoo bars, but I've tried the powders and I've also tried baking soda.

I like the powders, I make a tea infusion out of them, it's much easier. I've been rinsing with the tea (shikakai and amla or brahmi (sp?)) for the last 3 months at least once a week. I can say it made my hair much stronger, and it also cleanse well. I pre-poo with oil the night before.

I use baking soda once every 3 weeks as a clarifiying. It leaves my hair soft and built up free, without being stripped. I only use half a teaspoon in 500ml of water.

I love the shikakai shampoo bar, which made me want to try to powders. I love the powders as well. But you said you didn't like the powders as shampoos... maybe you are using them wrong? its not like shampoo at all. you just rinse your hair with the powder mixture, not rubbing it around like a traditional shampoo.
Indian shampoo bars have a different purpose than baking soda. Baking soda to me seems like a clarifyer and the shampoo bars are more like strengtheners/moisturizers even though it does cleanse as well IMO. I wouldn't use baking soda more than once a week.
I love the shikakai shampoo bar, which made me want to try to powders. I love the powders as well. But you said you didn't like the powders as shampoos... maybe you are using them wrong? its not like shampoo at all. you just rinse your hair with the powder mixture, not rubbing it around like a traditional shampoo.

Okay so if your not using them for the cleasing properties, then how do you clean your hair? From the co-washes?

Or is that why the shampoo bars maybe better?
Okay so if your not using them for the cleasing properties, then how do you clean your hair? From the co-washes?

Or is that why the shampoo bars maybe better?

I am using the powders to keep my hair clean...I meant the way in which you use them. With regular shampoo you have to physically get in there and lather it up, etc. But with the powder you mix it up and only rinse the hair with them. I thought that maybe she was following the directions on the box of powder which says to make a paste and massage it on the hair, which is not how Candy_C says to do it. She says to only rinse with the mixture...no manipulation to the hair.

Yay, my first post!

I never tried Indian shampoo bars, but I've tried the powders and I've also tried baking soda.

I like the powders, I make a tea infusion out of them, it's much easier. I've been rinsing with the tea (shikakai and amla or brahmi (sp?)) for the last 3 months at least once a week. I can say it made my hair much stronger, and it also cleanse well. I pre-poo with oil the night before.

I use baking soda once every 3 weeks as a clarifiying. It leaves my hair soft and built up free, without being stripped. I only use half a teaspoon in 500ml of water.


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I also make a tea infusion with amla and use it as a rinse. I ues the baking soda and skikaikai bar for two different purposes. The baking soda clarifies, removes ALL the gunk. I use the shikaikai bar after my oil prepoo for added strength to balance with the oil.
WELCOME to the board!

I also make a tea infusion with amla and use it as a rinse. I ues the baking soda and skikaikai bar for two different purposes. The baking soda clarifies, removes ALL the gunk. I use the shikaikai bar after my oil prepoo for added strength to balance with the oil.

See I would try to make the rinse from the tea, but I have some shedding and I am scared that I might pull out extra hair :nono: Or shed extra hair.

And I really want to know if the powders make a drastic change, like something you can see after 2 or 3 washes? Or is it something that you see over a period of time and uses? Like let say, 2 or 3 months?
I am using the powders to keep my hair clean...I meant the way in which you use them. With regular shampoo you have to physically get in there and lather it up, etc. But with the powder you mix it up and only rinse the hair with them. I thought that maybe she was following the directions on the box of powder which says to make a paste and massage it on the hair, which is not how Candy_C says to do it. She says to only rinse with the mixture...no manipulation to the hair.

Ok, I know the manipulation was my problem. I read that helpful fact AFTER I had major tangles. :perplexed It was so bad, I was scared to try again.
I used baking soda as a poo/clarifier for the first time this Sunday and I loved it. I would love to try indian shampoo bars to compare the two, though.
Ok, I know the manipulation was my problem. I read that helpful fact AFTER I had major tangles. :perplexed It was so bad, I was scared to try again.

Manipulation is a no-no. I do make the paste though. The powders are the only thing I use for cleansing so I need more of a deep clean than the rinses. I just prepoo with alma and shikakai and then apply the paste to soaking wet hair and then put a plastic cap on and let sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

The water from my hair makes a "tea" in the plastic cap, so my ends soak in that for the entire time. I love it. Then I just rinse until of the debri is gone, although sometimes I purposeful leave some herbs in:grin:
I didn't vote because my choice was not there :perplexed

I've tried one Indian bar and hated it. It made my hair hard, and my hair actually felt stripped when I rinsed it out. I think it was Swatstik something-or-other...it is red.

I am not opposed to shampoo. I love Motions Conditioning shampoo. It never strips, dries out, or tangles my hair. I actually had to use this to soften my hair back up after using the Indian bar.

I tried clarifying with baking soda and loved it. It really melts the tangles away and softens up the hair.

None of the above give me the type of hair qualities as the Indian herbs. They are, by far, the BEST things that have ever happened to my hair!
I've never used the powders but I've used baking soda and it really strips my hair and I can still smell baking soda in my hair for a week after using it. So based on that I don't want to use any powders at all!! I use Dr. Bonner's and while it doesn't produce the amazing results that people claim w/ indian bars it works consistently.
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