Spinoff: If you are making him wait . . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . how intimate do y'all get without full blown coloring? I have heard a youth pastor recommend that couples only have contact above the neck (the exception of course being hand holding).

I mean I think it would be teasing to go much further if coloring is off the table.


(Please answer carefully so as not to violate forum rules/get this thread locked :lachen:)
I was always taught that it was not good for a man to touch a woman, So if a person steps to you that should have marriage as the final goal.
If you are making him wait, then you should stop before you get so into it that you want to compromise--since he'll probably be more than happy to support any rationalizations you come up with in the heat of the moment to justify going all the way.

But an older man does give this word of wisdom:

The later the cutoff of deepening foreplay, the greater the frustration. The greater the frustration, the less respect he holds for her, the less inclined she becomes to terminate foreplay the next time, and the closer they draw to intercourse.

I think in the situation you'll know when to start backing off based on how heavy things are getting.
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Not much. Hold hands, maybe put your head on his shoulder, brief hugs, not sure what I'd say about kissing. Ladies of the evening say that they don't kiss patrons because it is too intimate.
Hand holding and quick pecks for kisses. I wouldn't want to be a tease.

I think it may be easier for virgins to hold off because they have never ventured past, ya know. The virgins I am describing would not do heavy petting, nor oral activities. We all know of a lot of technical virgins, they have done every thing except.

Being that I am not a virgin, I can't get all heated up then put on the breaks, so I would abstain from all types of contact except holding hands and a quick peck.
Not much. Hold hands, maybe put your head on his shoulder, brief hugs, not sure what I'd say about kissing. Ladies of the evening say that they don't kiss patrons because it is too intimate.

:lachen::look: They are absolutely right, I feel the same way and this is from someone who used to be a little kissing slut. Bodily fluids are being exchanged and that is a no-no in my book. I don't do it with my SO now and we have been together for 2 years as well as live together. But I am generally grossed out by bodily fluids so I am a bit more extreme as most don't consider saliva.
I don't do unprotected sex because I abhor body fluids as my first reason, disease or pregnancy are second & third. Obviously they go hand in hand though and I think my fear of fluids is probably closely linked to my fear of disease and germs so it is probably just a subconscious mechanism to prevent me from engaging in risky behavior that lead to disease.
Will I change, maybe, after all I used to kiss boys when I was a teenager all the time, with not a care in the world. Back then kissing on the lips was all I did, I never even thought about getting near the peen.:lachen:
Y? Cause she's being a tease?


Probably because it's inconsistent. If a woman is going to say how much she values waiting and puts hersef out there a "the type of woman" who hold out, then if she enters into the realm of "technical virginity" while still claiming chastity, she just looks silly-and at his expense. And also, I think it ends up being not nice at all to let things get to the point where he's ready to go and then say, "oh, we can't go there." So yeah, it is being a tease.
Hand holding and quick pecks for kisses. I wouldn't want to be a tease.

I think it may be easier for virgins to hold off because they have never ventured past, ya know. The virgins I am describing would not do heavy petting, nor oral activities. We all know of a lot of technical virgins, they have done every thing except.

Being that I am not a virgin, I can't get all heated up then put on the breaks, so I would abstain from all types of contact except holding hands and a quick peck.

I so agree with your statement. Plus I'm tired of kissing frogs.
1. make sure you both are side by side when it comes to your faith walk and all that comes with it. That way, you can be willing to hold each other accountable should one try to push past what they should.

2. Stay out of situations where it's high risk something may happen.

3. Holding hands, cuddling is fine. Kissing if that's ok with you, but don't go past that.
Being that I am not a virgin, I can't get all heated up then put on the breaks, so I would abstain from all types of contact except holding hands and a quick peck.

I think cuddling would be cut out as well. It can be hard to maintain your stance when you're pressed up against the other person. Although it may be comforting, it could lead to being tooooo comfortable.
I think cuddling would be cut out as well. It can be hard to maintain your stance when you're pressed up against the other person. Although it may be comforting, it could lead to being tooooo comfortable.

ITA, why even put yourself into a bad situation. I think some GIRL'S like to get a man all hot and bothered then say nevermind. We all know no means no, but it should not get to that point. I equate a woman being a tease to just being immature. Also saying no, but yet continuing doing all the "activities". NOT COOL GIRL.