Spinoff - Good topics to discuss when first meeting a potential date

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
This is a spinny to the "late bloomer" thread :grin:

We all know that it's best NOT to discuss any potential red button issues when first meeting someone - religion, politics, sex, etc.

So, of course, that's all I *can* think to speak about when I meet someone new :rolleyes:

So, I'm asking for your tips and suggestions for good things to talk about when you're first meeting someone.

I'm off to a few mixers this weekend to test things out :yep:

One thing I think is a universal good opener: Where are you from? (Since I live in DC, most people here are from some place else . . . although I have to come up with something decent to say when the person actually IS from DC instead of looking at them like, :look:)
Asking about hobbies is also good. Not only will it help you learn about the person, it will also give you both fun ideas for possible future dates. :yep:
I don't agree with work. Talking about that can come across as boring. I agree with talking about sports, travel, and hobbies.
I disagree with not discussing work. I want a man who's as passionate about what he does as I am and I prefer to know ASAP. I find many date-worthy guys want to know about my career interests once they find out they involve international politics. For me it's the perfect way for me to see if he can handle deep conversations. But I digress...

Hobbies, family (key topic), travel, favorite books & movies, sports--anything that helps you get to know the person but not going into taboo issues.