Spinoff: God's Own


Well-Known Member
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJaYprlc268

This is a spinoff to the Tonex Coming Out of the Closet thread in off-topic (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=139955) and the Jamal Bryant threads (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=135969&highlight=Jamal+Bryant) (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=136017&highlight=Jamal+Bryant) (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=136093&highlight=Jamal+Bryant)

I think we can all say not only is "the church" constantly under attack, but so are God's people. I am haunted by all these stories about ministers and people serving publicly doing the work of God who "fall" or have "scandal." I know we are all human, but I am really coming to the point where I'm wondering if God is behind this, not just the devil. See, we don't just live in constant spiritual warfare, and it's not just because these are the "last days." I'm wondering if God Himself is trying to break down the walls of "religion" God is so much more than a religion to me. I believe it's so much more about a relationship than it is just about following rules, and I believe that those "rules" aren't there to punish us, but to protect us. And I see the people at the forefront often falling so hard. And I'm wondering if this is b/c their idea of being close to God is following this perfect religion??? What do you all think?
Hmmm . . . I never thought of it that way. I do think that the Lord is not gonna have people leading others one way and then living life another way. Just like he says, all that is done in darkness WILL be brought to light and you will reap what you sow . . . so, I think these scandals are the result. I mean, we all sin, but I think that many spiritual leaders get to feeling that they are beyond reproach and don't stay as spiritually minded as they should -- thus, they fall into temptation and get snared (because you know the enemy is just *waiting* for an opportunity to show his tail). Doesn't it say somewhere in the New TEstament that we are to be ever watchful because the enemy searches like a lion for whom he can devour . . . . The saints of God need to stay PRAYED UP and focused to be able to resist the temptations that befall us.

(See, now I feel judgmental just writing all that. I need to go pray. *lol*)
Hmmm . . . I never thought of it that way. I do think that the Lord is not gonna have people leading others one way and then living life another way. Just like he says, all that is done in darkness WILL be brought to light and you will reap what you sow . . . so, I think these scandals are the result. I mean, we all sin, but I think that many spiritual leaders get to feeling that they are beyond reproach and don't stay as spiritually minded as they should -- thus, they fall into temptation and get snared (because you know the enemy is just *waiting* for an opportunity to show his tail). Doesn't it say somewhere in the New TEstament that we are to be ever watchful because the enemy searches like a lion for whom he can devour . . . . The saints of God need to stay PRAYED UP and focused to be able to resist the temptations that befall us.

(See, now I feel judgmental just writing all that. I need to go pray. *lol*)

No, I totally agree with you. I definitely think that God brings our dirt out b/c He has to constantly work on us, both clergy and parishioner alike!