Spinoff: Dating and Table Manners


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about the spoon and licking the plate thread, when I was out eating with a "friend" this week. We had fun talking about other people’s table manners. My biggest pet peeve is someone that smacks while eating. Luckily he didn't, but someone else I went out with some weeks ago did.:rolleyes:

Could you tolerate a date that smacked so bad, it sounded like he was smacking chewing gum?:nono:

I always eat Continental Style, and the same person asked, "What’s up with eating with your fork like that." I started to explain that both American and continental style is appropriate, but did not bother to finish and changed the subject :look: I guess I just assumed that everyone knew that.
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I can't stand smacking/slurping..it is so tacky!

I used to eat lunch with a lady at work...who slurped terribly!! I stopped meeting with her at lunch...LOL

I went on a date with a man that ate like he had been on a hunger strike for 90 days!!

He "threw down"!!! He was tearing through that food like a ravenous pig. I literally stopped eating and watched him. It was so disturbing...it actually ruined my appetite.

Not to worry he ate my food also.

As far as dating, I think one should always be on their best behavior, first impressions mean ALOT!
I can't stand smacking/slurping..it is so tacky!

I used to eat lunch with a lady at work...who slurped terribly!! I stopped meeting with her at lunch...LOL

I went on a date with a man that ate like he had been on a hunger strike for 90 days!!

He "threw down"!!! He was tearing through that food like a ravenous pig. I literally stopped eating and watched him. It was so disturbing...it actually ruined my appetite.

Not to worry he ate my food also.

As far as dating, I think one should always be on their best behavior, first impressions mean ALOT!

I have a female co-worker who smacks & slurps terribly, it annoys the *ish out of me:wallbash: & I cannot for the life of me see what caused her husband to be attracted to her. It's just nasty!! You expect men to not eat as classy as women , you know they aren't eating fries with forks but even then there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed! Keep your mouth closed & please don't act like you are a dead man walking & this is the last meal.
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