Spinoff: Can a Repeated Cheater Really Love/Respect?


Well-Known Member
This is a spinoff from: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=146887

The basic question is “Can a man who continues to cheat on his wife really respect her?” Dlewis made a good point in the last thread, that although a man cheats, he may really love his wife. But my question is, can he possibly respect her, if he’s willing to expose her to physical and emotional harm, repeatedly? If you think the answer is yes, I would really like to know why (we will keep this thread civil). I am especially interested in those who say yes to the question! But I’d like both sides! Thanks!
Repeat offenders don't respect the one that they are cheating on, at least not to me. I don't believe that its possible to say I respect you but don't respect the commitment in the relationship. Now I do believe that its possible to love someone and make a mistake once and then you two to move on together and regain that trust and respect back. However, it takes time.
This is a spinoff from: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=146887

The basic question is “Can a man who continues to cheat on his wife really respect her?” Dlewis made a good point in the last thread, that although a man cheats, he may really love his wife. But my question is, can he possibly respect her, if he’s willing to expose her to physical and emotional harm, repeatedly? If you think the answer is yes, I would really like to know why (we will keep this thread civil). I am especially interested in those who say yes to the question! But I’d like both sides! Thanks!

Nope. Cheating is a selfish and disrepectful act. The very opposite of love.
Some people definition of love can be warped. My husband's uncle swears he loves his wife and I believe him. Though he bring his wife home, the next time he brings the mistress home and so on. But I can tell he loves his wife.

I beleive love is an action word, you have to show me you love me and respect me. I don't think I could be with a cheater but I'm starting to understand women that remain with men that cheat. For them it's about something else.
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No, he does not respect his wife. He may love her...but he does not respect her. But it get really dangerous when she no longer respects herself.
no he does not respect her or himself for that matter because he's not being monogamous and leaves him and his wife open to catching STD's.

my mom think it's respect if he hides the cheating and does not flaunt it in your face:rolleyes: That's how she justifies men cheating:ohwell:
Some people definition of love can be warped. My husband's uncle swears he loves his wife and I believe him. Though he bring his wife home, the next time he brings the mistress home and so on. But I can tell he loves his wife.

I beleive love is an action word, you have to show me you love me and respect me. I don't think I could be with a cheater but I'm starting to understand women that remain with men that cheat. For them it's about something else.

I agree with this, especially the bolded. I do think there are a lot of people out there with a warped sense of love! I know I'll never understand it, but I have learned not to judge them/their sense of love either!
If he is an emotional cheater, I don't think he loves and respects her any more. Emotional cheating takes a much larger toll on both people. If he is a physical cheater I think he could still love and respect her he just wants a variety of a$$. Neither one is fair but hey.
Yes and no, but I think for the offending party to try to figure this out it would be too much mental emotion going to waste.