Spin Off: Telling People About Your Weave


Active Member
Okay so I had my hair in two braids the other day. But with some fake hair with some color. The length of the braids was maybe an inch longer than my actual hair when I wear it down. Braided, my hair is like 3-5 inches shorter. Anyway, one of my friends at work knew that I had been putting henna in my hair trying to get it more of a red color, and she hadn't seen me since I started doing it (the company is so big, we call the space where the offices are, campus because it's multiple buildings like we're in college) and she was saying how cute my hair was and that she could see the red in it. So of course, I felt the need to tell her that it wasn't my hair because the red from the henna is still an undertone that only shows in bright light or sunlight. She was all confused. And one of her other friends was with her and was confused too. They both told me they couldn't even tell that it wasn't mine. My friend also hit me with "oh well then, I cain't see the red" :smirk: but that's another story.

So then a few hours later, I get an email from my friend saying that her friend was really interested in how I got my hair like that and how it really didn't look like it wasn't mine. And I really should stop telling people it's not mine since you cain't tell. I told her I don't care about telling people it's not mine because I am so proud of my real hair.

Well I said all that to ask this: do you tell people when it's not your hair? I mean, if someone compliments you on your hair and it's something that has nothing to do with you own hair, do you say anything? Or if someone comes up and looks at your hair and says "so is that your hair?" do you tell them the truth?

For me, I don't mind telling them. Especially since they've gotten up the courage to ask. And when they're complimenting or commenting on something that my hair doesn't do or have, I have no problem telling them that they're looking at something I purchased.
If somebody were to ask me flat out is that weave or is that your hair, I'd tell them that it's weave. But if they don't ask I don't tell. Now when people compliment me or ask did I cut my hair or whatever (depending on who it is. Usually if it's a white person), I usually just say thank you and smile and nod. It's just easier because if you tell them it's not your hair then they have a whole bunch of other questions like well how do you get it in there, where does your real hair stop and the fake hair start, etc. I don't feel like explaining all that. It's rare that somebody flat out asks me anyway. I guess they just assume one way or the other. If you feel comfortable telling, then go ahead if not, don't.
Everyone thinks the wig I have on in my avatar is my real hair. Even hubby thought it was mine the first time I put it on. (He shuuda known better!)

If someone compliments me in passing, I just say "Thank you." If It is a friend and we are having a conversation, I will tell them it is a wig, which they hear as weave. That leads to me explaning how the wig is made and why they can see my scalp. Then, them exclaiming that it couldn't be a wig, it looks like my hair, calling me a liar (in jest), and asking where I got it from. This is why I won't tell anyone it's not mine in passing.

I really don't care if someone knows that something isn't growing from my scalp. It's mine...I paid for it.
That's just not anyone's business unless you are talking hair and you want to tell them in that situation. that's just me.
For me aint no future in frontin'!

If its not my hair and you out right ask me I will say its not mine.
BUT, if you are just some random person complimenting or commenting on my hair I dont feel that its my obligation to give you the run down.

Now if you are a random person (coworker, neighbor, passerbyer etc) over concerned and going on and on (i.e. Your hair is so beautiful, I wish my hair was like yours etc.) I might be inclined to pull your coat.

Unless your someone I chat it up with on a regular basis I dont just offer that up unless it comes up. But Im not going to lie if asked directly.

I am very uncomfortable in general with people asking me about my extentions in the office. I just dont want to be engaged in a all out "how to" apply weave. It just gives people a level of comfort I dont want them to have. People who dont wear extentions have the tendency to dimiss the privacy factor and will straight ask you in a crowded elevator or coffee room etc.

People never ask me where did they get that hair piece it looks so real!

Im just sayin......:ohwell:
I will tell them if they ask. I take compliments without explanation.

Unlike many women I have, I have no problem explaining wig vs weave or how I get my hair to do what it does. Most are fascinated by the versatility of black hair. The women I know who are not black are doomed to 2 styles: straight or curly.

I have a hard time understanding why people are so secretive about their hair when it comes to questions other races have. I'd much rather answer questions so they have accurate info than have them guess based on stereotypes. I'm not a circus act but black hair care is not a secret that non black people can't know about or understand.
If people ask, I tell them. If they compliment, and I sorta know them, I might tell them. If they compliment, and I know they'll be clueless as to what a "sew-in" is, then I'll just say "thank you" and keep moving.
When people compliment me on my hair, I will tell them if it is a weave. Well, I really don't wear weaves moreso wigs for one month, and everyone thought it was my hair, but I felt like a fraud for not admitting it wasn't my hair.:lachen: