Spin off: Hair Touchers Anonymous!!

Carrie A

Well-Known Member
My name is Carrie A and I'm a hair toucher. I need help. I've tried to stop but it's like my hand has a mind of it's own.

I saw a relative after some time. She had beautiful locks that had grown down to her waist. I hugged her and grabbed her locks."I let them run through my fingers while telling her how beautiful they looked." It was only then that I snapped out of it a realized that once again I touched hair and probably violated her space. I was too embarrassed to apologize.

Another time I ran into a friend that I hadn't seen in years. She went natural and had the cutest fro. I was like I love your hair and well you know. I just sort of lightly smacked the side of it so it bounced. :look:

There are other times which I excuse because of ignorance but I've been on hair various hair boards since 2004. I've read countless horror stories of hair touching and the comments of disgust following them.
Still if someone is standing in front of me in line at a store, I will have an urge to touch their hair if they have a huge fro or thick hair.........

I never noticed if a stranger touched my hair. I do remember a guy like 25 years ago petting my head like a dog. I only remember being annoyed about the doggy petting action not the touching per say.

The thing is........I'm not a touchy feely person at all.

Is anybody willing to admit being a hair toucher? If you are in recovery how did you stop?
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I'm a hair toucher - and I haven't stopped, at all. I just ask permission, first. Surprisingly enough, I've never been told no - and have often been thanked for asking.
I do it, too. But only with people I know well- it's like I can't help myself- their hair is so pretty I just want to touch it. I immediately apologize and they usually say it's okay. Now that I'm on hairboards I know how people are about touching, so I really try not to. I have noticed that this impulse for me is strongest with natural hair. (I'm natural too)