Spin-Off: Dry DC + oil rinse


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I tried the oil rinse last week and it rocked my hair's world. Now, the dry DC seems tempting, can I do both in the same wash? My idea was to do a two min Aphogee treatment on dry with 15 - 20 min heat, wash, oil rinse with my safflower/garlic oil mix, then rinse out and tressemme conditioner. I would hope that this would make my hair flat out amazing, plus I recently got a shower filter and I definitely feel the difference in my hair and skin. Would anyone argue against this experiment? Is this too much to do on my hair?
Responses please!
I tried this last night and I really like it! My hair was super soft and not greasy at all, I'll continue doing this because i hated getting in and out of the shower.
I :love: dry dc + oil rinse. I find it's less manipulation than the alternatives, but you probably already guessed I'd say that. ;)
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Kristal, I hope it works for you. Let us know how you like it. I'm loving my hair right now, it's so soft and fluffy not heavy and greasy like I taught it would be.