Speedy Growth Transitioners Month 5 Update


Well-Known Member
How is everyone doing? any growth progress? I'm not doing so well and i'm strongly considering texturizing in December, my 3-4 inch of newgrowth is dry and coarse feeling, I'm taking MSM and EFA to help soften it up, i've only been taking it for 2 weeks i'm getting so impatient, frustrated, i feel like i wanna scream my head off.
Wow Den1 3-4 inches in 5 months is great! I wish I had that progress to report. I think that the weather has something to do with the hair's dryness. I would recommend continual moisture- something that I am learning myself.

As to my progress, well I am just getting off some serious breakage. For the past couple of months (about 4) I don't think that I have been able to retain ANY length. At one point I wanted to give up because I was not making any noticiable progress. But I am now using nexxus products and the breakage has reduced SIGNIFICANTLY/ DRASTICALLY. I am really impressed. I haven't texturized my hair since I first applied it and that was the beginning of June. I will be doing a touch up in two weeks. So I have gone abour 12 weeks without a touch up. I was wondering if I should relax it because I want to wear my hair straight, and I find having a texturized head very hard to manage, and I worry about applying a lot of heat- although I think my hair likes the heat. But I am scared with all of the breakage this might cause- putting the relaxer over my texturizer.

But besides using nexxus products, I started MTG in July. I can't really report on my progress because of all of the breakage that I have had. Den 1 how many inches in a month did you get from MTG?

My one year is coming up in october- I should have been at or very close to bra- strap. Due to all of the breakage, I will be very happy if I will be able to get to arm pit by the end of the year.
Anyways enough of my RANT- I really needed to get that out. I hope everyone else is having some progress!! Please report!
I accumulated that amount of growth within 8-9 months, which isn't very impressive, also considering the fact i didn't take any supplements or eat healthy at all. I received 1 1/2 inches with MTG when i wore braids just shy of 2 months. Onpoint, Your progressing very well with keeping the breakage under control keep of the great work. i wouldn't advise you to put a relaxer over the hair already processed it could cause overprocessing and breakage, you can always go back to relaxer when fully natural. you should take pics of the newgrowth to see how well its doing good luck.

here's a progress pic of my hair so far.

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I am 18 weeks post relaxer and I can see growth progress. I think I have between 2-3 inches of new growth. Frequent shampooing, deep conditioning and moisturizing has really helped. Occasionally using Caruso rollers vs. curling iron has also helped quite a bit.

For the most part, I think the following is really helping my hair:
-No chemicals (relaxer or color)
-Limited heat (every six weeks)
-Increased water intake and exercising 4 times a week
-Gentle Handling
-Moisturizing Shampoos and Conditioners as well as light products that don't clog up my hair follicles.

My goal for October: Shoulder length

Good luck, ladies! :)
mine is doing alright....i have a couple of shots i took yesterday in my album. i had a minor setback, because i did something silly while taking down my last set of extensions....so, i had to cut a couple of knots out :( since im doing the no heat challenge i cant fully see the damage....im gonna give myself a protein tx and probably braid it up again....

i dont know if i want braids for school or to wear my fro.....

the sides and back are pretty much at armpit length, but the top is only to my shoulders and the front is only to my chin.....i dunno how to make those areas grow :ohwell:
bumping...where are all the other challengers?.....over thge last 2 months there has been a rapid decline in members checking in....is everyone losing interest or just busy.
I have been transitioning for a little over 5 months now and have about 3-5 inches of natural hair. I got my first press two weeks ago and trimmed (1 1/2 in). I want to be all natural RIGHT NOW..with length.. lol. I have another year to go, but I can't wait to get there!
I am 10 weeks post today. I have 2 inches of new growth. Daily CO washes and buns are my best friends. (I used to HATE wearing my hair up, but for the sake of preserving my hair I have to do low manipulation styles that require no dry combing). I might straighten my roots in Nov for my birthday.
I have no clue. im doing alright but could be much better. ive been going through some stuff so I kinda neglected my healthy eating and haircare. i had some shedding from stress and had a minor accident too and had to cut a chunk out b/c of not detangling a small section of this thick crazy mane befor washing it. However I do have a go degime down now and plan to satrt taking vitanins again.
Sorry, just saw this... I'm still hanging in there... still keeping up my regimine. Seems my hair isn't growing so fast right now. :( . I think I will tweak my vitamin routine and maybe pick up another protein supplement.