Spectrum Flax oil....my weight


Well-Known Member
(I posted this in the health forum too.) So guys...I've started taking it,only for two days and I am frightened...this is day three...and I already wonder if Im gaining weight. Losing weight I wouldnt mind, because I've gained some since I left for college which scares me as a girl who lost a lot of weight. When the weight starts to come back, its very dissapointing...should I stick it out to tell how its really affecting my body? Because I know a part of the angst is paranoia, its like I feel my body pulsating sometimes and I feel myself getting fatter!!! But I know its been multiple people's experience to have lossed weight. So I have been consuming 2 tablespoons per day, pouring it on my food, making sure the food is not too hot or anything. Should I just stick it out and weigh myself in a week or so before give up on this amazing beauty/health oil? I dont wanna give it up to be vain, but going from around 180 to like one 145/150, then going back up the scale already gain 10 pounds since college equaling 160, I do not want to gain anymore weight. Comments?
I'm taking Flax, and Evening Primrose oil...and I couldn't understand what was going on with my body, I was starting to gain weight.
I spoke with a nutritionist, and she advised me to lower my dosage (I was taking a pretty high amount) because the oils could have that effect on some people.

If you exercise and eat right, and drink lots of water, you shouldn't have any problems.
u know what i think lately i have been gettin bigger (had to go bra shoppin because of it too) it may just be the flax seed... iv been takin 2 capsules of 1000mg!

im going back to 1 a day!!!!!
Maybe you should look up the Shangrila Diet thread. It is not a conventional diet like most others. The posters seem to be having much success with it.

I think the premise is drinking a 1-2 tbsp of a light flavored oil to help with appetite suppression. Since you are taking oil anyway, why not incoporate the timings that he describes. What's the worst that could happen, you could continue like you are with gaining weight, not gain any more weight, or at best lose weight.

Let me find the link:
Shangrila Diet thread

Hope this helps.

Just adding, I don't follow this plan, but it seems to be working well for the many ladies that are using it.