Special Request for DC Area Ladies


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if someone in the MD/VA/DC area would be willing to help me out....here is my request:

I have been following a lot of LCHF suggestions and am in the process of using more, I feel like my hair is making progress...BUT I really need an INFORMED second opinion....:perplexed

I know this may seem odd but....Would someone who has been around LCHF for a while be willing to meet me and look at my hair? Kinda like a hair assesment... I cant see the back of my head that well...and I dont always know what I am looking for in texture, breakage, etc...so another person would help out a lot. Also, not using heat and transitioning makes it harder to tell :(

It can be after the July 15th meeting or anytime/place that works for you....

PM me if you are willing to help...I would be extremely greatful! :lol:

(I hope this request is LCHF appropriate...:confused: )
Thats good to know :D This will be my first meeting so I didnt really know what to expect...

I guess I was concerned because we are meeting at McCormick and Schmidts which I understand to be a mid-level/kinda nice seafood restaurant...It might be a little akward whipping out my rebellious head of naps and coils and having everybody gather round....:perplexed

Now if we had met up at McDonalds...I would have no shame :lachen:
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