Spacing out relaxers


New Member
Do any of you find this easier to do when your hair is longer. I watch my friends who relax every 5-6 weeks and thier hair just gets longer and longer and I wait 8 and my hair breaks off. I am going to go back to relaxing like I used to and when I gain some length, wait longer. I is just hard to do your hair when ou have new growth sproting every where. I can't put my hair into a bun or a ponytail. I can barely wrap it now with the crazy textures I go going. I figure I can relax like I used to if I use a mild formula relaxer and deep condition more. What do you all think.
I try not to go more than 7 weeks without a relaxer. I usually have to go every 5-6 weeks or else my hair will break off. I think you can go every 5-6 weeks and just follow up with a protein deep conditioner a few days later. I found that waiting too long made my hair break and I would never get any length. Plus my hair is really coarse and thick so the difference easily breaks my hair.
I've realized now that I need to get a re touch every 8 weeks. Any longer and I get more hair shedding. I took a big break from July and didn't re touch until Oct 2 and I lost alot of hair that way. I"m never waiting that long again.

I just try and wait long enough to get good re growth but within that 8 week window. I've even started writing down the re touch dates so I can count the weeks and not guess 'when roughly I last did it' For some they can wait longer, but for my hair type (I have fine hair), the re growth eventually will break my relaxed hair.
Thanks for your replys. I find that if I wait longer than 6 weeks I have to use more heat(flat irons, blowdryers, curling irons), and I have to mess with it more(combing and brushing when wet, combing all of the time, using harsh brushes). With more relaxers I use less heat and rollerset more, and I don't hav to mess with it alot. I am going to try to do my hair they way I think it needs to be done for the next couple of months to compare my theorys. There is dudley salon downtown, about 10 mintues from my house so I wil try to make bi-weekly visits for a wash and conditioning treatment. Most of the people I know that went to Dudleys beauty school know alot about hair health so I am sure they will keep me on track. I think as long as I use more protien conditioners I will be okay. Thanks again for you replys and advice, I really needed it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Dionne, Pumpkin, and BRH,
I totally agree with y'all. My hair just cannot handle going more than 8-9 weeks w/out a relaxer, or damage DOES ensue. Also, Dionne if you are thinking of relaxing every 5-6 weeks, you might want to use a conditioner on the hair before the relaxer (for the relaxed parts that "accidentally" get touched by the relaxer). I did this pre-conditioner last time, and I think it has really helped my hair post-relaxer.
I think it's better to relax if you have enough new growth more frequently than waiting for a specific time period to relax the hair. If you get an inch a month and find it difficult to manage or it breaks wasily that way then it's better in the long run to relax that often. You just have to be VERY careful about not pverlappng.
I used have to relax my hair every 6 weeks or else my hair would start breaking and/or shedding. It has been 11 weeks since my last relaxer, and my next one will be next week. I have NO breakage or shedding whatsoever.

What am I doing differently? I am conditioning a whole lot more, especially as I get more new growth. I make sure that my new growth is kept moisturized. Rusk Calm 60-Second Conditioner and S-Curl Activator are excellent at keeping new growth soft and moisturized. I do pre-shampoo conditioning treatments with an olive oil and conditioner mixture 3 - 4 times a week, and do post shampoo deep conditioning treatments with Redken Allsoft Heavy Cream or Paul Mitchell Supercharged Moisturizer 1-2 times a week. With this regimen, I feel I can go even longer than 12 weeks without getting a relaxer. If anyone is considering stretching out the time between getting relaxers, I think the key is to increase the frequency that you do deep conditioning (moisturizing) treatments.
Good advice Tee. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I have another 7 weeks before I get a touch-up (texturizer) and I have so much new growth at 5 weeks. I've been deep conditioning every week and applying WGO to my far so good.
I also agree with Dionne. Everytime I try to stretch out relaxer time, I get breakage because I start to heat style and comb it more. It has been 7 weeks since my last relaxer, and my hair is already starting to break off. /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif
I agree with LondonDiva. But I must say that I now get relaxers every 3 months and I am able to sustain growth with little breakage. I have moved around a lot and now yes I am crazy! I drive over 5 hours to get my hair relaxed by a stylist I trust (near my parents). She only relaxers the new growth and other stylists overlapped like there was no tomorrow-which has lead to damage for me (shedding small pieces)! What I do to sustain my hair and minimize shedding is to put a moisturizer and liquid leave in conditioner on my new growth DAILY. I also stop trying to pretend like I can wear my hair straight when I have 1-2.5 inches of new growth. I wear it up or curly all over. I STILL stay away from heat unless I sit under the dryer. For me it works. I am not exactly sure what my hair type is. My curl pattern is a tight S curl- my hair waves when wet and frizzes up big when it air dries not CUTE at all. I am a 4 something! I say from pictures my hair is similiar to Armyqt. Hope this helps. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
When I have enough new growth thats when i get a touch-up. 8 to 11 weeks for me. I deep condition once a week.Nov 14th had a dusting. Next dusting Jan 14th. Current length Mid-Back. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
i wait four months between relaxers and haven't experienced excessive breakage because of it. i have found that four months is my limit though. i think it is far better to do what is best for YOUR hair. if waiting longer causes excessive shedding, don't wait!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I agree with everyone! I try my hardest to go 8 weeks till my touch-up but I just can't. My new growth is sooooo thick and poufy I just can't do anything with it except wear it up to hide it all. I had to do my touch-up early this month at 6 weeks instead of 8 cause I gained 1 1/2 inches of ng!!! I am starting on the MTG challenge this month and I hope that I can go 8 weeks till my next touch-up.

MTG challenge beginning July 7th, 2005!
Last relaxer touch-up: July 5th, 2005 (1 1/2 in. of ng!)
Next relaxer touch-up: September 5th, 2005
Current hair length: 2 inches past bra strap length (when blown out straight)
Utlimate hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap by Dec. 2005 (almost waist length)
pics coming soon!
the longest I go is 12 weeks, and I think that was only once or twice... my last relaxer was the easier it was, but I only went to 11 weeks... some days it'd be really hard to manage the new growth, some other days, I'd be like 'wow, if my hair continues to behave this way, I could go for another month..." but no... never happens for real.
This time i plan to go to 13.5 to 14 weeks :eek: , and i bought the S-Curl, NTM to help me along the way. I've only used the NTM so far and i really like it. I'm only 6 weeks post right now, so i'm not worried about NG right now, the 3/4" i have is still manageable. i'll worry at 9 weeks post :)
I also agree with Tee. It also depends on your hair type. My hair type is 4B and I can’t go as long as someone with type 3b hair. Type 3b hair has more moisture than my type 4b hair. Before I started taking care of my hair, I would get a retouch every 6 weeks because the shedding was so much. Because now I condition every week, make sure my ends and new growth are moisturized, do protein treatments, and handle my hair with tender loving care, I get a retouch every 8 weeks. My hair is longer, thicker and healthier.
Sandy10 said:
I also agree with Tee. It also depends on your hair type. My hair type is 4B and I can’t go as long as someone with type 3b hair. Type 3b hair has more moisture than my type 4b hair. Before I started taking care of my hair, I would get a retouch every 6 weeks because the shedding was so much. Because now I condition every week, make sure my ends and new growth are moisturized, do protein treatments, and handle my hair with tender loving care, I get a retouch every 8 weeks. My hair is longer, thicker and healthier.

Initially i was trying to get mine done at 9 weeks because i can get it done by a certain stylist but now i'm thinking about stretching for 12 weeks instead. I've type 4b too I think
So how much are we saying is enough in terms of inches of new growth, how much is enough to safely do a touch up? How much (say) stretched or unstretched?
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I've found a couple of ways to decrease breakage is to make sure to oil your hair especially the ends every morning and night. Then wrap in a smooth satin or silk scarf. :)